Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Wish I had gotten a better Gif, but i think Gray and Lucy have a cute wee friendship that i want Wills and my Grey to have.

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

 Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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  My mind felt full, I was confused and I wasn't sure on what to think, looking at the guy claiming to be my brother.

"B-but, I don't..." I looked up at Seth pleadingly.

"Grey, go take Panda back to our table a moment, I need to speak to Jasper." Seth glances over at me, a small smile crossing his face. "Wont be a moment, little cub" he reassures as Grey takes my hand, leading me out the room, which I now realise is the staff room. He leads me through a short corridor and back into the main cafe and to my table. It had been cleared by now, and there wasn't so many people about now, just a few dotted about.

"One second Wills!" Grey rushes away, leaving me to slide into the booth. I use my sleeve to rub my eyes free of tears. Grey comes back over, carrying two glasses of coke as he slides in beside me.

"On the house" he grins at me as he hands one over and sipping the other.

"Aren't you supposed to be working Grey? I haven't gotten you into trouble have I?" I worry. I don't want to damage our brand new relationship more than I probably already had. However he just beams down at me. "Don't worry, the boss loves me. Besides, my shift ended half an hour ago. Next guy is on..." he points over at a middle aged man in the uniform, attending to a table across from us.

I nod and take a sip of the coke.

"So, want to hang out this weekend? Take your mind off things?" Grey offers. I look up at him, contemplating the offer.

"I would, but it's Faith's..." I trail off, not wanting to say it out loud. Grey seems to understand though, nodding. "That's alright Wills, I'll text you when I'm off and we can chill out or something?" I nod. "That sounds nice" I whisper, looking up at him. He smiles back at me just as two figures walk up behind him.

"Panda, it's almost time to go to Mrs. Hawthorns, you ready?" Seth asks, standing beside the table, a dejected looking Jasper just behind him.

"Y-yeh, I'm ready" I nod. Grey stands to let me slide passed him. I look back at him once I'm standing, giving him a small smile.

"Thank you for the drink, and I'm sorry for disrupting your work." Grey smiles, standing also. "It's alright Wills, I'll text ya later about hanging out?" He leans down, giving me a hug. I'm surprised at first, but after a moment, hug back.

Stepping back, I smile up at him. "Guess I'll speak to you later" I wave at Grey before my eyes trail to Jasper, who is just silently watching. Seths eyes follow mine to Jasper before looking back at me. He steps forward to grab my bag still sitting on the floor – had it been left here the entire time? Whilst leaning forward he hesitates, turning his head to me slightly.

"We'll speak about it later" he whispers to me before straightening.

"Well, we gotta go guys, I gotta get Panda to somewhere and stop by Walkers." He grins, waving. I follow him out the door to his car, glancing over my shoulder at Jasper before walking out the door. He looked sad, not just his expression but in his eyes. I couldn't help but feel like I was somehow the cause of it. I wondered what Seth had said to him?

As Seth started driving, he sighed, looking tired. "I told him that you had an accident and lost your memories." he said, eyes flickering to me momentarily before going back to the road.

"I feel bad. I don't, I mean, I didn't even know I had a brother, could he be lying?" I ask, peeking over at Seth, who looks deep in concentration.

"It's possible, but the way he reacted to you, that wasn't put on. It's possible he has the wrong person. But you would need to talk to him to find out. Maybe speak to your step dad? Why didn't he tell you? I mean, I get not wanting to make you worse but surely that's something you should have been told?" He speaks, sounding more like he's speaking to himself rather than to me. I look down. I could imagine any number of reasons why he wouldn't remind me if I did have a brother. He tried his hardest to isolate me from as many people as he could. And me loosing memories was probably a god send for him.

"Can I?" I ask, not looking up.

"hmm?" Seth hums, taking a turn at a junction. "Can you what?" He asks, attention not leaving the road now.

"Talk with Jasper. I want to speak to him." I clarify, looking up. Seth glances at me again, worry flickering over his face.

"You sure? Even before speaking to your step dad?" he asks, uncertain. I nod. I definitely wasn't going to be bringing the subject up with Billy.

"I got his number, I'll message him once I get to Walkers. Is there any time you want to do it?"

Thinking, I bite into my lower lip, chewing it as I pondered when would be best. I didn't want to put it off, but, I don't think I could do it before Saturday, I was too much of a mess right now. I'd probably be worse off after Saturday, but, hopefully, I'd be able to focus more. The thought that everything might seem okay after Saturday sounded ridiculous to me, but my mind wasn't exactly in the right place just now.

"Any time after Saturday. When I'm not working." I nod, looking out the window, realising we're now just a few streets away from Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorns house.

"Mr. Walker's given you a few weeks off Panda, paid. He sends his condolences by the way, I forgot to mention." I look up at him, mouth open.

"I had to go round on Saturday night, I pulled him aside and explained what happened. Haven't you wondered why you weren't phoned in when you've missed two nights already?" It hadn't occurred to me, but he was right. I had missed two nights. I was mortified at the fact that I had so easily forgotten, not even phoned in to explain.

"Hey, panda, I sorted it all for you, Mr. Walker is perfectly okay that you didn't phone in yourself, he understands!" Seth soothed, glancing over as he pulled up outside of the Hawthorns house.

"Okay, thank you. And not just for that, but, for everything, Seth. Really, thank you." I try to smile up at him, only one side managing to twitch up.

"It's okay Panda, now, I'll pick you up in a few hours?" I nod, beginning to climb out the car when I remember something.

"Oh!" I turn back to Seth before I close the door. "Bring Nate with you if you can, Mrs. Hawthorn wanted to speak to him." I tell him. He nods in understanding, "Aye aye sir!" he mock salutes me as I slam the door shut and step away from the car. Turing to look up at the house, sadness washes over me. Taking a deep breath, I step up to the door, preparing myself for the next few hours of talking about memories and my best friend to a stranger.

A/N: So a bit of a filler chapter, not as long as normal, but I needed to get the small bit out my brian. Read, Vote, Comment and Enjoy!

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