Chapter 23| The Anger My Mother Has

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"Mother ?" I said in a tone of confirmation. Mother turned her head away from my father and looked at me with a bewildered expression. She blinked twice before her eyes widened.

"R-Rein ?" She stuttered. I nodded and she let go of her sword. Behind her, father looked at me with monotonous eyes. Even though his look towards me would have hurt me before I left with Teacher, right now, I felt absolutely nothing. Instead of giving him what he wants, I discreetly glared at him, making him suddenly jerked back a little. I turned back to my mother, who was raining me with kisses.

"Oh, how look at you ! You looked as fine as ever ! More so, you look like a proper lady" I smiled, pretending to cover my face as I was blushing.

"Mother, your making me blush" I said cheekily. She smiled back before I heard a cough from behind.

"Ahem ?" There next to the mourning Queen Dowager was North clearing his throat to gain our attention. I felt my father flinched behind me when he saw North, but I didn't know why.

"Is that...North ?" My mother said incredulously. I nodded, causing her to run towards him (even though there was no need since he was just three steps away) and gave him an affectionate hug.

"He-Hello, Madam" he said with great difficulty. I then noticed that father moved a bit farther from us as we reminisce with each other. Unfortunately for him, mother noticed too and being the woman she is, threw her sword towards my father, barely killing him on the head. The sword itself was now imbedded on the wall as we speak. She slowly turned her head towards father and with a snake like smile, came hurling towards him him top speed.

"Don't think I forgot you were there, Dean" she said for all of us to hear. He furrowed his eyebrows, obviously displeased. She however, didn't stop. Both parents of mine continued to glare at each other until finally, my Teacher stepped in.

"Elizabeth" her no-joke tone said my mother's name, causing my mother to somehow gratify more to the ground until she fell to her knees and her sword clanged to the carpeted ground. Dean, looking at bit smug, was surprised to hear his name from my teacher's mouth and more so when he himself took my mother's sword and pointed it to himself.

I looked at my teacher in confusion, who had a stone face while watching the two adults struggle to fight what was two of the most hardest techniques my teacher created and taught me (though I haven't mastered it, yet). She stepped forward towards my parents, whose faces turned pale every step she took.

"I expect no less of you two to behave-" she practically hissed at my father's face, "especially since your daughter is here in front of you"

I winced at my mentioning. She was most probably mad because her vase was destroyed while they were fighting. Though it may seem a bit too harsh over a vase, everything in this castle was and still are antique and one of a kind. Not to mention almost all of the furniture were created by famous smiths, all sorts of makers and talented artists.

With a flick of her finger, my parents were released from her enchantment. My father clicked his tongue before moving on to another corridor and my mother's hands were as cold as ice. I helped my mother up, taking the sword that my father left behind and gave it back to her. My teacher looked at me and she shared a smile with me. She knew as well as I do about the arrangement around my father and mother. And I am also sure she knew why I didn't intervene when I actually could.

She then remembered something to do with my mother because before I knew it, she was already whisking my mother away to another part of the palace. I shook my head and turned to North, who seemed to be deep in thought. With an idea coming to mind, I slowly crept behind him.

"Whatcha thinking, North ?" I said with a foreign accent I found at the north side of the continent. He jumped a little at first before immediately relaxing when he saw me.

"Don't scare me like that, mistress !" He cried out. I laughed heartily as he rolled his eyes. Unbeknownst to me, another person was watching me and North.

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