Final Author's Note

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Hello hello! It's the author! 

It's been three to four years haha! Sorry about that. It's been so long since I actually updated this book, I'm actually quite shocked. I'm more shocked that so many have decided to pick up this book despite my 36+ month hiatus. To those who've read this book, no matter if you left or stayed, thank you. This author is humbled to know that people were interested enough to actually read through my book. 

Unedited and horribly unbeta-d it may have been. 

I'm officially here to say that I've long decided to drop this project of mine. I have my reasons, but I've mainly lost interest in writing this story. Still, a friend of mine told me that I should still place closure into this story because this truly was my first published work on the internet and its readers deserve an explanation as well. After thinking it over, I've decided to write this letter. 

I actually had a plot in mind with this story. Rein, as OP as she seems to seem, wasn't actually going to win anything at all. She was being used by someone close to her, and it would result in her downfall in the end. I had actually written some plot points when I was younger, but I've lost it in an unfortunate accident of a wrong press a while back. 

I wouldn't go too deep into my explanations (I'm not sure who'd actually listen to that!) but for those who still are here, still waiting somehow, I'm willing to answer questions about the story. My DMs, comments section, and board are open, yes. 

Again, thank you to those who decided to read this book. You meant so much to me when I was starting out, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you the story you deserve. 

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