Chapter 18 - Why Now?

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(Y/n)'s Pov:

After the little store incedint, I had gone home and went to sleep. In the morning, Claude was acting a bit weird, he kept looking through the windows every once in awhile. He'd also fidget a bit, playing with his glasses too much or even pulling at his glove. He must have realized I noticed all this because I always caught eye contact with him while he was doing so.

"Claude what's going on?" I questioned, concerned yet angry.

"I'm sorry Young Tokki, nothing is wrong. It's just some demons that I know. They always travel everywhere and try to bother me."

"Then why are you so nervous, you weren't nervous around Sebastian."

"I knew Sebastian before, these are new." He protested in a monotone voice. I glared and clenched my fist.

"You're lying."

"Young Tokki."

"Why are you so nervous about other demons?! They're the same as you, are you scared of your own kind?!"

"Enough!!" He suddenly yelled. I flinched, scared at the sudden raise of his voice. His eyebrows were knitted together in frustration as his hair fell over he face slightly. Suprised, I backed up a bit and then only just now remembered my power.

"Claude. Calm down, now." I ordered softly. I was still fuming angry and just sighed before leaving, I ran out the room and out the door. I wasn't exactly sure where I was going as I ran through the cold morning air. It felt nice, yet it stung my lungs as I breathed it in.

-Time Skip-

Before I knew it, I was at a park. There were small playground equipments and a big field that covered most of my view. I sighed with relief and slowed down to a walk, looking around at everyone. Kids were playing, parents were watching, and others were just walking.
I walked to a small spot under a tree and took my rest there, I sat and leaned my head against the thick stump. Sighing, I felt a bit of relief rush throughout my body. It wasn't enough though. Why was my life like this?

"Mommy look, it's a bunny!" I heard a child yell from my left. Looking over, my eyes went wide when I made eye contact with the child who was pointing right at me. The mother had wide, terrified eyes as she pulled the child away from me. I forgot my hat and coat, crap. No no no this is bad. Before I knew it, everyone was looking at me and making comments.

"What the hell is that?!" An old man yelled. My breathing picked up as I looked around at the people who started to surround me. Cautiously, I tried to stand but I couldn't. My knees where too wobbly and I fell. I could feel my ears move down, against my head as I tried to think of a plan. I could either call for Claude or run away. I would call for Claude but the fact that I'm angry at him made me hesitate, if I run then even more people will firgure out who I truly am. Dammit, I had no other choice.

"Claude, help me now..." I whispered to myself with my eyes closed tightly, suddenly I felt a gush of wind hit my face.

"Why what a nice crowd we have here."

Opening my eyes, Claude stood closely beside me. Quickly, I hid behind his tall frame.

"Wha-!?" Before the lady could finish, Claude cut her off.

"You all will forget everything that just happened in the last 15 minutes. You will have no memory, trace, or evidence that we were even here. Just with the snap of my fingers, we'll be gone and you will be left with my previous instructions." He spoke. I gripped onto a tail of his coat, averting my gaze to a button on his back before - Snap. Looking up, we were back at the small house.

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