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She woke up in a hospital bed, dazed, confused. She saw Maddie come to her side, as her eyes slowly adjust to the bright light to the blazing light flashing through the opened blinds.

"I found you at the foot of the stairs, unconscious. You were un-responsive. I feared you had a concussion or something".

"Maddie"... Her tone became serious, and very shaky, this worried Maddie. "It happened again".

"What did"? Maddie was confused.

"I saw Derek again. And...And". She begins to break down. Maddie pulls her into a Hug, hushing her. "He was in the giraffe man costume".

"Honey, its not real. I wish it wasn't true for your sake, but Derek is dead. I know I didn't know him... But".

"But what"? Nina spat at her. Her voice filled with haste, and anger.

"Its just survivors guilt".

"Get out". Nina glared at her, and even Maddie was antsy.

Maddie quickly left the room. "I'll just let her calm down". She said to herself. And she went out into the parking lot.


Parker walked into the antique shop, hoping to see Hayden. He saw Deedee placing some items on the shelf. A old early 19th century crank jukebox.

"Hi Deedee". She turns to him, and she doesn't smile.

"Can I help you"? Her voice was stern, and aggravated.

"I'm looking for Hayden. Is she around"?

"I imagine so, look in the back, and get out if the way". She never did like him.

"Ok. Sorry". He quickly moves past her. And goes to the back. And sees Hayden moving boxes from a pile in the corner of the storage room, to the shelf. She sees him enter, and she smiles.

"Hey". She greets him gleefully.

"Thought I'd come and see you. Its been a while". He flashes her a smile. And she returns the favor.

"So what you up to"? She placed the box she had been holding into the shelf.

"Was wondering if you wanted to see a movie tonight"? He looked at her with a cheesy grin.

She ponders for a minute. "Sure. I'd like that".

"Great. Zoey and get brother Louis are going to break he in. Meet us in the alley behind the theater a quarter shy of ten, tonight".

She nods, and he leaves. She never knew he had this wild side, but it was kind of hot. She smiles at this thought, and finished putting the boxes away.

Aren't You Glad I Can Keep A Secret; Redemption!Where stories live. Discover now