Home alone.

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Reece was agitated that the others saw him as the 'bad' guy. He was worried for Nina, but the others need to stop bringing the past up, it only fuels Nina's obsession with the giraffe man, and what has happened in the past.

Tra was dead...

Levi was dead...

And so was Grant. The giraffe man was dead. There was no way he was back, nor would He ever be back.

It was over!

He got up, and went into the kitchen, pushing in one of the dining room table chairs in, as he walked by it. He went to the fridge and got a water, and turned around. He dropped the water bottle.

The chair had repositioned itself to face him. He felt a cold sweat come upon him, and He gulped down The water he had sipped from the bottle.

"Hello"? His voice was hinting nervousness. He slowly entered the dining room, and put the chair back to the table. He looked around, and brushed off his nerves, and went back to the living room.

He turned the tv on, and started to watch 'scream' tv show. He set the remote down, and he went back to clean up the water bottle mess he made. As He started to clean it up, a odd noise catches his attention.

"Ok you guys, very funny"? He listens, but hears nothing. "Troy? Trenton"? He goes back to cleaning the mess.

As he finished, he threw the empty water bottle in the garbage. He goes back into the dining room, as a figure pops around the corner, and slams him against the wall, and throws him across the table top. He lands on the floor with a hard thud, and the air leaves his lungs. He coughs, trying to catch it. The figure un-sheathed the pickaxe, and raised it up, bringing the blade crudely into Reece's stomach. He groans, And coughs up blood. The blade is removed with harsh force, and he holds his wound, still trying to catch his breath.

"I'm as real as your secrets". He lifts the blade, ready to strike. "As real as your secrets"! He brings the blade down into Reece again. His breath shutters, and he drops his head as blood flows from his mouth.

The killer slowly backs away from Reece's dead body, and leaves as fast as he came.

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