A/N: completed!

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I can't believe I finished this! It was my first ever story and I dunno, it just means so much to me. A lot of people had told me to continue writing 'Suicide, Skittles and Skates' but the truth is, it just felt like the right place to end. This was never intended to be a massive drama thingy, it was all about Kalila saving Alex and in return, Alex saving Kalila although she didn't know she needed it. It wasn't mad, passionate love with fireworks and breathlessness – it was comfort and familiarity and safety all wrapped up in a cute package of my favourite characters. Okay, that's definitely me being biased – they are my main character of my first story after all! :') I'm sorry for such a cheesy epilogue, I just couldn't resist!

I'd like to say a massive massive thank you to my readers – I'm honestly still baffled I have some lol! If you've stuck with Alex from the beginning then thank you and I hope the ending was good enough even if you wanted it to last longer. A spin-off called Greyscale has also been written so please click the next chapter for a little more about it and check it out!

I think it's now also fitting for me to say that Alex was based on an old childhood friend also named Alex Bates. I hadn't intended on writing about him (originally my characters name was Theo!) but it just happened by itself. Alex died when we were young and although I don't like to talk about him or his death at all, I'd like to think this story is like a miniature tribute. He always wanted to be a writer when he "grew up" and I remember saying it was stupid. I never understood the amazement behind weaving an entire person from 26 letters and your fingertips but I do now.

Rest in peace Alex – may you finally rest your head upon the sky and sleep amongst the stars.

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