Authors Note

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Begun writing on: 3rd May 2013 || Completed on: 11th April 2014

If you are new to reading this, here are some things you should know:

1) This is the first time in my life that I've tried writing a story. I have no experience whatsoever so any feedback is greatly appreciated. Please give me constructive criticism because half the time, I have no clue what I'm doing.

2) Rated PG-13 due to the occasional swearing. There is no sex/drugs/violence or anything like that.

3) I like writing from a boy's point of view and am fed up of people getting their knickers in a twist because they feel I need to be a guy for that.

4) I'm not gonna have some giant plot twist in the middle where the crazy ex-girlfriend pounces on the guy, making the girl believe he's cheating on her and then they have a massive fight and hate each other before magically falling back in love. There is no huge climax so if this story sounds pointless to you, sorry.

5) Speaking of love, it takes forever for them to fall in love. This is a story about self-discovery and appreciating the little things in life, before it being a romance.

6) Character names, school and places of interest are entirely made up so anything with the same name is purely coincidental.

7) I don't think this is anywhere near good enough to steal but regardless, keep your paws off. All work is copyrighted to me {Hafsah Sana} and if you try to pass it off as your own, I will hunt you down with a frying pan so consider yourself warned.

Suicide is not a joke. I chose to write about this because I know what it's like from first-hand experience to lose people to it. If you're considering it, just don't. Please. Hold on there. D:

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UK: 08457909090 (Samatarians) or 08001111 (ChildLine)

THIS STORY IS UNEDITED. If you spot any mistakes, please point them out to me because as soon as I have some time, I am going to sit down and edit the entire thing. I love this story as it's my first ever one and means a lot but I know there are things that could be better and my writing has developed a lot since completing this.

Suicide, Skittles and Skates [✓]Where stories live. Discover now