Chapter 10

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"Y'know, we haven't had a movie night in centuries!" Tyler complained the next day as they were walking home from school. Before Alice had died, the four of them would stay up all night once a week and watch movies while stuffing their faces with everything they could find. Alex hadn't done anything remotely fun like that ever since, but recently Tyler had been noticing small glimpses of his best friend's old self coming back.

'It's bad enough losing one best friend, but with Alex never being normal again, I may as well have lost two,' he thought, while waiting for Lacey to say something. Out of the four of them, she loved their traditions the most and made everything more amusing.

"Normally I would say you're being a drama queen as usual, Ty, but for once I think you might actually be right. We gotta make up for lost time. So let's have one today!" She was glad for an excuse to spend time with the boys. Alice had been her only real female friend; girls were too confusing and dramatic, and without her, things had been quiet.

"Ugh, but—" Alex tried to protest, but it was no use. Once Lacey had made up her mind, there was no stopping her.

"Don't even try it, Alex. We're going straight to Ty's place right now, even if I have to drag you by the nose!" She crossed her arms and raised her head high, making her point.

Tyler jumped in between his friends, putting his arms around their shoulders. "Yeah, c'mon, guys. Mum and Dad have gone to stay with my Auntie Katie, so nobody's home. It'll be just like old times."

But all three knew that it wouldn't be.

Alice wouldn't be there to make fun of her brother, or jump on top of Tyler to tickle him when he would annoy her, or do blindfolded makeovers on Lacey like they'd done as kids. Things would never be the same again.


"Pass the Oreos, bro."

"Get them yourself, you lazy shit."

"I would, if your fat ass wasn't in the way!"

"My ass is beautiful, thank you very much Lace."

Tyler watched in amusement as his two best friends bickered, Lacey purposefully egging Alex on in order to make him say something. Anything at all would be better than the silence they had been slowly getting used to. 'It's never safe to be stuck in your own thoughts for too long,' he thought as he grabbed the Oreos away from the two of them and shoved as many as he could in his mouth.

It was nice to see Alex smile again.

A buzz echoed across the room, prompting Lacey to shoot up from the sofa she was lying on, and look for her vibrating phone. As she glared at the incoming call, Alex realised he had been too preoccupied with his own despair to even talk to his friends properly. He had never seen her look so angry before, and had no idea who it was that was trying to call her.

"Ugh! How dare he ring me after what he did!" she muttered, declining it and stomping her fuzzy slippers on the floor in anger.

The protectiveness in him rose up. Lacey was like his sister, and anyone who hurt her would have to deal with him. He felt like such a shitty friend for not knowing what was going on in her life, and jumped up from where he was sprawled on the floor to wrap his arms around her shoulders.

"I'm an idiot for not knowing anything about either of you recently. Who's the asshole?" he asked, concerned.

Tyler watched with affection and smiled as they talked about her troubles with Chase, the guy who had been cheating on her with some girl from her English class. His best friend was coming back – albeit slowly, but it was still better than nothing – and perhaps it was about time to tell them his news.

Almost as though his thoughts had been read, Alex turned around to face him. "What's been going on with you, Ty?"

Tyler's hands shook, his ears starting to heat up as he braced himself. He spoke in a teasing tone, trying to hide his nervousness. "I kinda may have, well, maybe met someone." He whispered the last word, looking rather like a deer in headlights.

Lacey squealed loudly and jumped up, forgetting the mascara trails running down her cheeks. Tyler had never really dated or anything. That had always been Alex's job pre-accident, and it was about time he had a shot at happiness.

Alex's eyebrows rose in shock as he grinned. "Aw, my little Ty is growing up. Who is she?" he asked, dramatically ruffling his best friend's caramel locks like he was a little kid.

"Well... That's kinda the problem," Tyler answered, hesitant but also with a strong desire to tell them the truth.

Lacey stopped squealing abruptly, dropping the phone she was still clutching onto the wooden floor. Her hazel eyes were open wide in revelation, understanding sweeping across her features. Tyler looked at her and nodded, confirming her suspicion. Alex may have been completely dense about a lot of things but if there was one thing Lacey could be counted on for, it was how perceptive she could be.

Alex threw a handful of popcorn in his mouth, clueless about the glances his friends were sending each other. Tyler winced and looked straight at him, opening his mouth.

"I'm gay."

Alex choked on a lone kernel of salted popcorn, gasping as it went down his windpipe accidentally. Lacey smiled smugly, passing him an open can of Fanta, which he chugged down as if his life depended on it. And all the while Tyler wrung his hands together, the only indication of his fear of being rejected, as he watched the scene unfold before him.

"You what?!" Alex croaked, his throat still burning.

"He said he's gay, you idiot. Who's the dude, though, Ty?" Lacey was happy that he had finally liked someone enough to consider dating them. Tyler had always been the jokester of the three of them, but in front of others he was painfully shy.

He ignored her question and looked straight at his best friend, whose astonishment at his revelation was still evidently etched upon his face. "So... are you disgusted by me?" Tyler asked quietly, with a sad smile.

Alex blinked and opened his mouth, trying to remember how to talk. "Uhm... disgusted? No. On the verge of having a heart attack from shock? Yes. How could I be when we grew up together? Not to sound like a complete knob, but I love you, man... so even if it's gonna take some getting used to, it's okay. You're my best mate, you tit." He smiled wolfishly at Tyler, whose shoulders visibly relaxed with relief.

"Just don't you dare hit on me," he continued, shuddering at the mental image.

Tyler sniggered. "Pfft. You're not my type; you're way too pretty." He lay back down on the floor, shoving a Jaffa Cake in his mouth. And with that, the tension in the room lessened, the three of them content with everything.

"Oi, you never told us what your type is!" Lacey complained as she perched on the edge of the sofa, eager to find out about the mystery guy that her friend was obviously besotted with.

Tyler's cheeks tinged red. "His name is Cam. Cameron Adem. He doesn't go to our school, but I guess you'll meet him on my birthday next week?" At the last word he looked at Alex questioningly as though he was asking if that was okay.

Lacey pounced on him happily, the enthusiasm bubbling out of her, demanding details about this Cameron they were just hearing about. And as Alex watched Ty eagerly spilling everything about him, love shining from his eyes, he wondered if he could also be that happy.

Maybe someday.

But then again, maybe not. After all, how could he possibly be happy without Alice there?

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