Chapter 41

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Edit: September 21st, 2017.

Jada's POV

We're about an hours walk from where the boys have Alex covered.

The dock we anchored at was pretty much empty, a couple lone walkers covered our path, but the admiral, vice admiral, and commodore took them out just as easy as a piece of toast. Rear Admiral Curtis lead us for shelter while the three took out the walkers.

He pushes us up against the wall for cover, and we begin walking again once the coast is clear. We're trotting, when all of a sudden, Curtis' hand balls up in a fist and is held up above his head.

It takes me a couple moments to realize I'm the only one walking when everything goes silent. Even the stretcher we brought was stopped and silent. I turn around and see everyone stilled, Parker included. "Why are we stopped?" I ask, and immediately get shushed. "What?"

Parker tiptoes over and yanks me back against the wall. "It's a signal to stop; he sensed someone or heard something. Just be ready and quiet, Jada. Stay back."

Well that's a stupid gesture to make people stop, but okay, I think to myself.

I oblige, and just a minute passes and we're moving again. I'm last man behind, as what Parker suggested so at least if Curtis raises his fists again I'll have time to interpret what he means. Stupid soldiers and their secret codes.

We begin to cross a narrow pathway, one I remember Alex running down a while back, and when we're almost out in the open, I get snatched from the sides.

My heart begins to race, my breathing gets hitched, and a scream escapes my mouth. I'm doused with the smell of bad breath on the spot. As if on instinct, my body jerks and my hands are shielding my neck as I fall back, and I push the intruder away from me and I'm not surprised when I'm met with a beyond decomposed body once I fall from impacting her.

The woman stood well over six feet tall, and by the looks of it, she was a body builder. God, I stand no chance against her. Dead or alive

She stares at me hungrily and steadies herself before coming at my small figure. I look down at my hip and see my knife missing, and is thrown a few feet behind the walker. Oh God. I'm dead. I'm so, so, so dead.

I keep backing up, though my voice is frozen and I can't cry out. Once I run my back into something rough and pointy at my back, I smile with relief.

Grabbing the huge rock with no hesitation but struggle to keep it lifted, I use all my strength and throw it, chucking it at her face and instead hit the wall a foot to my left. Okay. New plan. I need pitching lessons. Having no other choice and seeing that the idiot men I was with haven't noticed my disappearance or my scream, I bulk myself up and charge at the woman, using my hands to move her face so I don't get bit.

I throw us into the wall to my right loudly, and I can feel the dampness in my hair, and wetness trail down my face and palms. I still can't reach for my knife, so I kick her knees in so she drops down to my height, grab her head in my hands, and smash it against the cool bricks, getting blood all over the place, and quickly shut my mouth so no blood gets through.

I hear a few treads of feet come close and I suddenly get a tad angry and frustrated when it took them this much time to notice my missing presence and figure out my whereabouts.

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