Chapter 31

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Edit: July 3rd, 2017.

Jada's POV

"She was injured, right? Like you said? So it maybe-probably-slowed her down a bit." Ryanne inserts. She's somewhat right, Alex took a fall when we arrived at the cottage. But then again, this is Alex we're talking about.

"Before the apocalypse, even after, Alex walked really fast. Fast for her height, and in general walked faster than most kids our age. She probably made her way around without a problem." I butt in. "We just need to think like her. If we were Alex, where would she go?"

"To the rescue," Parker says, "but for all we know the rescue could be gone. If she made it, we'll never find her."

"Can you think positive for like, five minutes?" Ryanne hisses.

Alex left a month ago. I don't have any idea why we're still at this damned cottage when we should be out searching for our friend. I can't go, apparently, it's too dangerous, they argued. I don't care. I said. I got overruled, and they took over like there was no tomorrow. But we can't stand for this. We haven't heard anything about the rescue, or what not. But we need to get to Canberra. I need to get my best friend back.

"Okay, well we need to get going, like now, we've wasted way too much time." Rayne says. We all nod.

"She could be dead, though." Ryanne states. I roll my eyes at her.

"Look who's being a pessimist now, huh." Parker interrupts.

"Who's going to tell them?" Rayne asks. Probably nobody. And I'm right. Nobody is raising their hands to volunteer.

"We can leave when they're sleeping? That way no one has to say. Leave without a trace. And by the time they wake up, we'll be long gone."

"Sounds good to me."

"Everybody ready?" I whisper. It's around one in the morning, and everyone is out like a light. I get nods, and wake up Iko next to me. "C'mon baby girl, we're leaving." Her ears fling up, and she races over to the door and sits in front of it. I chuckle to myself. "Okay, let's go."

The road is silent. We're all silent. I don't know why, but we are. No dead bodies. Just us. The road's been clear for miles, and so far we've walked seven of them. You can see some of the buildings in the distance, meaning we're close to a town.

"Hey, hey, hey, do y'all see that? That right there? Ten o'clock!" I punch Parker's shoulder pointing at him.

"What was that for?" He growls. I give him a look and he stares in the distance. "I can't see anything. What are you talking about, Jada?"

"It's like a grain of rice in the distance. Look carefully, at ten o'clock."

"Still nothing." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Wanna borrow my glasses? They'll be your magnifying glass." I snicker. He nods, oddly, and takes the glasses off my head, places them over his eyes, and sees what I'm seeing.

"Ooh! That. Yeah, I see it now." He laughs nervously. "Wait, we're talking about the same thing, right? The white thingy?"

"Yes, Parker, the white thingy." He takes the frames off and hands them back to me. "We should check there. Maybe Alex is there."

"And what if she isn't? Then we're back to square one." Rayne huffs. She is right. But we can't lose hope. That's all we have, a little string of hope, no longer than a small eraser. This could be the actual time we may never see our friend again. Ever.

"Then we keep going. That rescue will come-if it hasn't already, and as long as we're in Canberra, we have a chance. Put your hearts into it, guys. We can do this."

A School ApocalypseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora