Chapter 34

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Edit: I have no clue.

Jada's POV

"You what?" She screeches, her fists turning whiter as the time passes.

Alex looks furious. She has that twinkle in her eye she gets when she's mad, and I know because she used to have it a lot whenever Bert was around. I don't know why, though, maybe it's the fact that her best friend/ex-boyfriend wants to get back together?

Or maybe it's so he can get her to stay and forgive us.

I don't know. This wasn't apart of the plan, so I have no idea how this is going to play out. However, Alex very well could just flip him the bird and run off. It could even ruin our chances at reconciling, and if that happens, I'll be furious.

"I said... that I want to get back together." He repeats cautiously, but he's struggling to maintain eye contact. Wrong time, wrong place. Is he saying this just to get her back on our side? Or does he actually want to be together with her again? He never mentioned it; everytime the topic came up, he would leave or change the subject. "I want you to be mine again, Alex. I miss us. I miss you."

Her face remains angered, her face wild with different emotions: sadness, pain, anger. Her expression softens a bit, then her viciousness returns and she bites her lip. "What are you trying to pull, Parker?" She hisses, and studies his face. His body movement, body language, everything. Strongly. Like, staring-through-your-soul-seeing-if-anyone-is-home strongly. Trying to figure him out, to tell if he's lying or telling the truth. Her blue eyes have darkened, the shine no longer visible.

They haven't been together in a while, the sudden change in his mind is going either confuse, or piss off Alex.

I just don't know which one is coming.

"I'm not pulling anything! I really want to get back together." He answers simply. He glances at me quickly, and there's only a certain look on his face when he's fibbing, and he's expressing it to me before covering it up.

That bastard. He's going to make things worse!

Her face relaxes a bit once more, and she walks up to him. She doesn't say anything, so Parker continues his speech. "Come on, Alex, we can go and be together, go to the rescue together, save the world together! No more being alone anymore. Just you and I, me and you. Come with us, baby girl. Come with your friends, you're not alone." He smiles. She nods very reluctantly, gesturing that she's thinking it through. A little twitch was just about to form on her mouth before it dropped to yet, another frown, and she scolds him more than she did before.

"You son-of-a-bitch." She laughs. "Son-of-a-bitch! You're a liar! A fucking liar." She yells to him, and punches his chest, the impact pushing him a few feet back. Her foot moves only the slightest, before her friend, Freddie? is it? comes and pulls her away from Parker. "I'm not stupid. You don't want to get back together! You were using that as an excuse to get me to come!" A snarl comes from behind, and a small group of walkers interrupt their little scene. Her friend remains having her in his hold, trying to get her to calm down, while the rest of us go and tackle on the walkers.

Once they're all taken out, Alex starts shrieking again. "You were going to use me again! Fucking again! What the hell is wrong with you people? How could I manage to befriend-be-best friends- you? It's people like you in this world that made this disease form. People like you who kill people just from a small phrase. You're all killers. Cold-blooded-heart breaking-people traiting-intelligence-lacking killers." Alex shakes herself out of Freddie's hold and demands him to take her as far away from us as possible until the rescue came.

"Go clear out the main floor of that building right there, the one with the blue coloured windows. I'll be right there." He says, rubbing her arm and she storms off, limping and hiccuping in rage. She turns around suddenly , and walks up to Parker, all of us tensing up once again. She looks Parker dead in the eye, and says, "I'm taken. Piece of shit." before walking off.

Once she's gone, out of eye and ear shot, Freddie looks over to me directly, and his face goes hard and stoic. "Here, tonight? At one sharp. We have some things to discuss and clarify, don't we?"

I look at him curiously, but nod anyways, even though I have no idea what we need to exactly 'clarify'. "Yeah, sure. Whatever." He turns around without a farewell and runs to where he told Alex to go. This is a beginning of another war that is worse than the one we're already fighting in.

The clock on my watch says 1:30am, and Freddie, her side bitch, still hasn't come to discuss and clarify whatever it was we needed to talk about.

As I'm sitting against the same dumpster Alex and Freddie hid in, alone, waiting for her hot but suspicious guy friend, an eerie rattle of noise comes from the front of the building, and I shoot myself up and turn the corner to toward the sound, pointing my gun at where the odd noise is coming from.

A shadow appears around the corner before I see more, and a swarm of walkers come out from the corner of my eye.

I gasp silently, and run around back to the dumpster, pull the lids up, and hop inside quickly but silently. I grab hold of the lid, and close it, but the lid beside it slams shut and makes a loud noise.

No, no, no, no, no, I think to myself. Dammit! This cannot be happening. Why didn't I let Parker come along with me?

That's right; you read it correctly.

Parker so desperately wanted to come, but I told him that I was her best friend and that her Australian friend wanted to speak to me and me only, so I told him I was going alone and that I was going to fend for myself in the middle of the night.

However, I did tell him that if I wasn't back by 3:30 then to come find me or to just move along.

There's a piece of wire here that I grab immediately and start to tie it around loops that I seen were handmade. Must've been from Alex and Freddie so walkers couldn't open the dumpster lids. I wrap it around my wrist, and feed it through the holes as quickly as possible.

My heart skips a few beats and I have a heart attack.

The sudden banging on the dumpster scares me more than half to death, and I finally finish tying the wire that I just close my eyes and wait for them to leave.

I start praying to God that I actually make it through the night. I can't be on bad terms with my best friend. The banging gets louder, until they all start pulling up on the lid. They pull so hard to the point where I can see the shadows. I put my ammo in my gun and point it at the entrance of the dumpster. It gets real quiet, and that's when I start to worry.

Then the noise begins again.

The twine finally snaps open after a forceful pull and the lid shoots open like a catapult. I put my finger on the trigger, and pull the cock back. Then I shoot.

But the monster didn't die.

The gun is taken out of my hands and a mouth is put over my lips.

I push them away, and start to squeal, but the shadow grows darker and their hand is placed over my mouth. "Shh," they hush me. "The more noise you make, the more attention you'll draw and the more drained you are going to be."
This is a really bad place to end off, but this isn't the end of this chapter! I just needed something to update, and boy I am ashamed for not writing in almost 2 months.

I've been very busy, my academics have taken up a lot, and with a lot of hospital trips and relationship problems and my great grandmother passing away just a few days ago, this months been really hilly and I've just had no will to write.

Sorry, though! I'll hopefully get back on the train of common updating!

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