Chapter 19

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Edit: June 28th, 2017.

"Wake up. Wake up. You have to wake up! Come on, Alex, get your fat ass up." A faint voice keeps repeating over and over again in the distance.

I slowly feel like I'm gaining my consciousness back. I have a massive headache, I can feel my sweat dripping into my eyes, and I feel like I'm drenched in thick water. I attempt to move my head, but there's a pup on my neck, and its painful to move.

"Alex?" A voice says faintly. My ears are ringing and I feel like I'm in a really annoying echoed dream.

"Where am I?" I slur weakly, grabbing the pup, moving them off my neck, and rub my forehead.

"You're in a trashed car. And Rayne and Ryanne are in the other vehicle." They respond. My eyes start adjusting more, and I see the situation I got myself into and started worrying. I try to sit up, but I wince, and give up before making a second go.

"Just wait a second. Let's get these dogs off of you. That may be why you can't move," I see and hear the person who's talking more clearly, and very well it's Jada.

"Are they okay?" I ask Jada, sitting up after she removed the dogs off of me.

"Yeah, they're fine. But are you okay?"

"Define okay,"

"Unbroken and not bleeding to death."

"I'm okay." She chuckles and helps me up.

"Oh my God," She gasps, "you have a huge gash on your head!" She gently runs her finger over my 'gash', and I wince as it reaches. Yes, Jada. I do believe that now I have a gash on my head.


"It's fine. I'll be okay." I slide out of the fallen car, and as I get out the unharmed stuff inside is getting packed into the truck.

"How long have I been out for?"

"About an hour? Maybe. I don't know for sure."

"Are the others okay?"

"Who? Ryanne and Rayne?" I nod. "Yes, they are alright. No injuries."

"Who was driving?" I ask her.

"Ryanne." She answers. I burst out laughing in my mind, but only a soft, silent chuckle came out of my mouth.

"What is so funny?" Jada asks hesitantly.

"It makes sense for the accident if Ryanne was the driver."

"I know right?" She smiles, "Wanna help me help the puppies out of the car?"

"Yeah, sure. Um. Why haven't they cried out like the others?"

"I-I'm not sure. I think the ones who aren't moving are dead..." She says, her face turning pale.

"But... that means there's only one survivor... which is the runt. So all the others are dead?" I ask, confused.

"Did you hit your head hard? Because I think you have a concussion. You're asking fairly stupid questions."

I scowl at her.

"Can we just leave? We need to get to the docks as soon as possible." I say, groaning at the stiffness in my body. Luckily, I can move, so I take it that I haven't broken any bones or sprained anything. All I have is an increasing migraine, alongside stiffness in my neck, but if I'm able to stand, the thought of paralysis seems very slim.
Walking to the truck and entering, I avoid my eyes for checking on the vehicle collision or anything. These two definitely weren't my favourite people to be around, and I'd appreciate avoiding communication, since they killed over half a dozen innocent puppies, and made me feel nauseous.

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