Chapter 48 - The Storeyteller's New Legend

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The twin bronze dragon teahouse was crowded as usual. News had spread that the storyteller had a new one, a story of the legendary Zhen Shuren, the master swordsman. Master Shuren had mysteriously disappeared so many years ago and his body was never found. The story promised action, betrayal and love.

It was also rumoured that the master had reappeared and that he was currently rebuilding his mansion. But no one had actually seen the reclusive man.

The story teller took his time, assessing the crowd with a practiced eye as he took a sip from his teacup. His almost choked in surprise when he saw who was in the crowd. The three guests were also waiting for him to start his story.

He gave a slight acknowledgement at the disguised Shuren and set down his teacup smiling broadly. Xuelei and MeiHua flanked the star of his next story.

"Legends come into being because of the legacy they leave behind. Their stories are often filled with unimaginable victories and sorrows, heartbreak, love and betrayal. The legend of Master Zhen Shuren is no different, and like every other legend his started when he was just an ordinary man like you and me."

The crowd stopped their conversations and leaned forward.

"Zhen Shuren was an ordinary man whose fate was sealed the day the fierce gang of bandits raided his village. They looted, raped and killed almost everyone. They destroyed his entire village. Whole families were killed for fun, young girls raped and murdered. The young men who tried to defend their village were killed, tortured and left for dead."

"The bandits were wanted men, they had been terrorising the countryside for many years but no one could do anything. Those who dared go against them were brutally murdered. They were good fighters. No one was strong enough to stand against them and they knew it. Even the officials turned the other way. They had wives and family too."

"Zhen Shuren was left for dead along with a few other brave young men."

MeiHua was rapt with attention, tears already flowing down her cheeks as the tragic story unfolded. Xuelei glanced at his father, his heart wrenching as he heard his father's history. He wondered how much of it was true and how much the Master made up. Shuren reached across the table and patted his son's hand reassuringly.

"It's okay son. It's all in the past."

The story teller stood up, picking up a sword and lifted it high in the air, "That day, he vowed that he would get revenge ... for his people, for his village, for his FAMILY!"

The crowd roared and applauded approvingly, clapping and thumping their fists on the tables.

"He began training, first on his own then with an old Master. No one knew who the old Master was but Zhen Shuren improved tremendously under his tutelage. He trained night and day, revenge burning bright in his chest. His dead family's faces and their dying screams forever imprinted into his mind."

"His Master tried to calm him down and persuade him from his course. After all, martial arts was not for causing trouble but for defending oneself."

"No way! He must get revenge!"

"Someone has to get those bandits!"

"They deserve death!"

"His Master was right, the Arts should not be used to start violence."

"Hey Wang, he is not starting it. He is just finishing what those murderers started."

"Yeah, Chen is right!"

The story teller took the opportunity to take a sip. His throat was getting dry. He set the porcelain cup down with a loud chink, ending the debate.

"But Shuren could not be dissuaded from his course. He was consumed by it. He lived and breathe only to fulfil his goal, kill the bandits, kill them all!" the story teller roared at the crowd. They yelled along with him.

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