Chapter 18 - Returning the Minister's Daughter

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They waited for two full days before news of Minister Lay's reluctant acceptance to the new terms came. He had grudgingly paid the new fees in full. The higher amount charged for additional inconveniences, interferences of the contract and return of his Captain which was not stipulated in the original contract.

The boys grinned in satisfaction.

The delay had allowed Xuelei to clean up but did nothing for his health. His whole body was covered in painful bruises. He tried to stay still and rest while he could. They would be on the move again soon. Ting Ting fussed over him, keeping his amused brothers at bay.

The other four brothers had also returned but Li had instructed them to keep out of sight. They now acted as back-up. They were expecting foul play from Minister Lay and they wanted to be ready. The Minister had not been happy at having to pay the additional exorbitant price for his daughter's safe return.

Arrangements were made for Minister Lay and his wife to meet their daughter. They should only have an honour guard of ten to escort them. Li and Jin would wait for them at a public pavilion with Ting Ting, Captain Shang and Fung, the leader of the kidnappers.

Xuelei would 'rest' in a safe place. He couldn't wait to get out of his disguise.

Ting Ting had hugged him and cried a little in farewell.

"I'll miss you, Xuehua. I will remember that it was you who stood up for me when no one else did."

"Take care Ting Ting. I'll miss you too."

"Thank you for saving me." She waved at him as she went over to the Li and Jin. They were retying Fung.


"Yes Captain?"

"I, uh, wanted to apologise ... for everything."

"No need Captain. You were just following orders."

"I also wanted to thank you. I know you could have left me there to die. I owe you my life."

Xuelei smiled sweetly at him. "You're welcome Captain. All life is precious especially the innocent ones."

The Captain returned the smile. "You are the most unusual girl I've ever met. Maybe we will meet again?"

"If fortune smiles upon us and our paths cross again, then we will."

"If only ... "

Ting Ting called out to the Captain. "Captain Shang! We are ready to go! Bye Xuehua! I'll miss you."

Xuelei waved back at Ting Ting and turned back to the Captain. "Farewell Captain Shang. Be safe."

"Farewell, Xuehua." He had an odd expression on his face. Resolutely he turned and went to the waiting group leaving Xuelei alone.

Xuelei kept up pretences until the group was out of sight. Then he whistled, signalling his brothers to come out. Ren, Shen, Qian and Dao appeared dressed in their assassin's black. Shen tossed Xuelei a bundle of clothes.

"Get changed. We will follow them."

Xuelei nodded curtly. In a few short moments, they were on their way.


The five of them waited at the pavilion, sweating. It was getting hot, the bright sun had reached its zenith and was happily roasting everything it could get its rays to touch.

Minister Lay had the audacity to arrive late and make them wait.

"I thought he was supposed to be here in the morning." Jin was pacing the pavilion muttering to himself. "Where is he?" he asked for the hundredth time.

Xuelei, Tears of BloodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant