Chapter 44 - Mercy

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Shuren looked from Shao Ling to Xiumin. The boy was having a hard time with the truth. He had turned as white as a sheet and looked like he was going to topple over at any second. It was time to end this. For his sake and for Xiumin's sake.

The master swordsman looked back at his one-time best friend. Shao Ling seemed sincerely sorry and remorseful for what she had done. He knew her well, all those years together fighting side by side before he met Xiuying. Yes, he knew her very well. Those were good times.

Ahhh, Xiumin, you had to know the truth even if it hurts. Everything was out in the open now. Shao Ling had admitted to the dreadful deed and had confirmed Xiumin's real identity for all. No need for secrecy anymore.

Shuren flipped his hand taking away the blade from MeiHua's neck. He pushed her gently away from him. She stumbled away from him holding her sore neck.

If any of them attacked him betraying the unspoken truce, he could easily hold his own. Xiumin had held them at bay with the Swordman's Dance and he was just an amateur compared to Shuren.

"Stop. Come here." Shuren directed his command at the dazed boy.

Xuelei's internal struggle ended abruptly at the command. He staggered over slowly to Shuren and MeiHua.

"Please ..."

"It will be okay, boy."

Shuren reached inside, pulling his 'qi' energy and touched Xuelei's temples with his fingers. He leaned forward and chanted in his ear, all the while directing his inner force to loosen the hold and dissolve the intricate web in the boy's mind. The next moment, he tapped a succession of pressure points on the young man, releasing the 'qi' blocks and allowing his life force to flow freely once again. The command to kill was no more. When Shuren released him, Xuelei blinked several times and shook his head. He looked around distressed.

Xuelei clutched his bleeding middle. The Mistress's dagger was still in him. He grabbed the handle and quickly pulled out the blade before he could change his mind. Ugh, now was not a good time to be able to feel again. He felt so weary and drained, physically, emotionally and mentally. All he wanted to do was crawl into a hole somewhere and sleep forever, but he had to settle some things.

He squared his shoulders. Then, he sank slowly to his knees in front of Shuren ignoring his wounds.

Lifting his head, he spoke to the man, "Please, Master Shuren, spare the Mistress's life. Please spare Shao Ling."

They heard Shao Ling's sharp intake of breath. She had not expected Xuelei to ask for mercy on her behalf.

Zhen Shuren ripped off the black mask in fury, revealing his face. The similarities between Shuren and Xuelei were uncanny. The veteran fighter lifted his proud head. His handsome face was more defined, angular and fierce. His dark brown eyes glittered dangerously. He clenched his jaw and his full lips thinned in anger. He pointed his sword accusingly first at Xuelei than at Shao Ling.

"She murdered your mother in cold blood! She took you from me!"

Xuelei gaped at his father's face. Any lingering doubts he had about the man's identity were swept away. There could be no doubt that the man before him was his flesh and blood. It was like looking into a mirror. His heart constricted, making it hard to breathe. His father! Zhen Shuren really was his father. He was no longer all alone in this world.

He clenched his jaw stubbornly. He would not have the Mistress's blood on his father's hands. He was determined that there will be no more killing. He tried again, "Father ... "

Xuelei knelt, bowed low, touching his forehead to the dirt. Finally raising his head and lifting his bloodied hands in a fist palm show of respect, he looked beseechingly at his father.

"Please father, I beg you, spare her. I have been returned to you and she is sorry for what she has done. There are other ways to make her atone for her sins, just spare her life."

A strange look of bewilderment crossed Shuren's face.

"Please father, she took me in, clothed me, fed me and taught me how to fight. She raised me."

"You forget boy, that she was also the one who murdered your family, took away your home and your heritage. She taught you how to kill. She trained you to be a cold blooded killer."

At that, all his brothers fell to their knees.

"Please, Master Shuren, spare the Mistress for her sins against you and your family," Li pleaded supporting Xuelei.

"Father ..." Xuelei bowed low touching his forehead to the ground once more, this time he stayed down waiting for Shuren's decision.

Shuren made a sound and turned his gaze upwards to the heavens. "Xiuying, he has just proven that he is truly your son. He is ever forgiving of others .... Just like you, my love."

Shuren was trying to adjust to how things were unfolding. He had not expected the day to turn out like this. He could finally get closure, his son had been acknowledged and returned to him. The gaping emotional wound of so long ago was finally getting a chance to heal. All was not lost.

Xuelei had called him father. He felt his heart was about to burst with joy. He had his son back, his son.

"Yes, you have been returned to me. Now I have a part of Xiuying back."

He turned back to Xuelei, the boy was still on his knees kissing the dirt.

"Get up, boy ... Xiumin," the wonderment in his voice turning into irritation.

"Up, up, up on your feet. Yes all of you too," he addressed the whole group. "I will spare her. Come to think of it, I have something better in mind than death for her."

Shuren looked at Shao Ling and smiled menacingly at her. He knew her. She shuddered, filled with apprehension. What could be worse than death?

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