Chapter 25 - The Broken Jade

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Jin and Xuelei were taking a walk around one of the Lay gardens. It boasted a number of larger cherry blossom trees and smaller flowering shrubs. Pebbled walkways were artfully laid out, winding along the garden. The paths set in a clever design so that anyone taking a stroll would get the full effects of the beautiful landscape and scenery.

They stopped atop a small arched wooden bridge overlooking a large koi pond watching the colourful fish. They spoke quietly, not even glancing at each other.

"You don't really think it's you, right?"

"She was looking for a boy. Is it too much of a coincidence that everything else fitted?"

"Xue ..."

"Jin, it might have been my family. The black clad woman murdered them!"

"Lady Ching may be lying."

"What reason does she have for lying?"

"She may be laying a trap for the Minister, he is still sore about paying so much to get his daughter back."

"C'mon, you don't really think that, do you? What does that have to do with fabricating such elaborate lies?"

"I don't know. I just wanted you to stop and think for a moment." Jin looked worried as he turned to face Xuelei. "If the Mistress even gets a hint of this, you will be in trouble. You know the rules."

"Jin, report to her that we met Lady Ching. She was looking for someone and confirmed it was neither of us. Period."

"I don't like your tone of voice ... or the look on your face. What are you thinking?"

"I need to know," Xuelei whispered fervently. "Jin, I need to know."

"Shh, someone's coming."

Lady Ching walked up the bridge to join them. Jin and Xuelei bowed to her in respect, she was older than them. The emotional turmoil on their faces a moment ago was gone, replaced with pleasant smiles of their disguises.

"I do love this place. It's so beautiful and the koi are so playful."

She tossed a bit of bread into the pond. The calm waters suddenly erupted violently as fish fought each other over the bread. Orange, red, white, black, blue and yellow flashed amidst the churning waters. There were even some silver and gold glints in the crazily splashing waters. She smiled serenely at the violence she had caused.

"Every time I visit, I always take time to stroll in these gardens."

"Yes, it is very beautiful here."

"I planned to leave tomorrow morning to continue my quest."

"Oh, so soon?" Jin asked politely.

She smiled but her eyes flickered from Jin to Xuelei. "I just wanted to see you both again to make sure I am not making a mistake."

"What do you mean, Lady Ching?" Xuelei asked.

She took out a small item wrapped in a piece of cloth and handed it to Xuelei. "If this means anything to you or to anyone you know, please have that person meet me at the North gate tomorrow. I will wait for one full day at the Inn there. If no one comes, then I will know that I will have to continue my search elsewhere."

"If it does not mean anything to you, please leave it with Lady Lay. I will retrieve it when I come here next. I really hope you can help me."

Then she bowed at the surprised young man and left quickly.

Jin looked at Xuelei. "What is it?"

Making sure no one else was around, Xuelei unfolded the cloth and stared. Wordlessly he handed it to Jin. Nestled in the soft folds of the fabric was a broken piece of emerald green jade. The strong pure uniform green indicating it's high quality and value.

Jin's mouth hung open, "No way!"

Slowly, Xuelei reached into his collar and pulled on a string until the broken piece of jade attached to it reached his fingers. He took the broken piece from Jin and fitted it against the one hanging around his neck.

It was a perfect match.

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