Ryon's fate.

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The young teen sat at home, he was talking to a girl over the phone, having a sexually intense conversation.

Outside, hundreds of crickets chirp, and a owl hoots in the far off distance. As he talks to the girl, his phone vibrates, and lets him know he has a new message.

He mutes the call for a second, and clicks in the new message.

Multi media picture sent; from unknown number.

He opens the file and sees a picture of him standing at the kitchen counter. He looks at all the Windows, seeing only darkness. He goes back to the call.

"Hey, where did you go"? The girl asked.

"Sorry, thought I heard a noise". He looks back toward the patio.


He opens his message box, and sees a new message from the same unknown number.

"Secrets can kill". Is written across his screen.

"What"? He looks in confusion.

"What's wrong"? The girl is a little panicky.

"Nothing. Just got a weird message".


"Cheaters aren't very liked Ryon, They have many secrets". The message is ominous, and he goes back to the call.

"Ryon, you are scaring me". She is frantic.

"I'm fine. Just a creep asshole trying to get some kicks out of scaring me".

"Good... For a minute"... The call cuts off, and the entire house is coated in inky blackness.

"Hello"? His voice is frantic. All he hears is silence. He moves toward the basement, and opens the door into nothing.

"Hello"? He is shaking, and his phone is in his hand. As he starts toward the door, his cell rings. He jumps, and laughs at himself.

"Hello"? He answers it.

"Hello Ryon". A graspy low voice answers.

"What can I help you with"?

"All in good time. Secrets are eternal". The unknown caller ends the call, and leaves him in silence. As be turns to walk away, a picture of his girlfriend flashes his screen, and Terry is written on the screen.

"Hey babe". He tries to soothe his voice, so he don't seem so nervous and ansy.

"Hey, what are you up to". His phone beeped again.

"The Truth, or consequences". The unknown caller sent him a text.

"Babe, you there"? She questioned.

"Yeah I'm here. Look, I'll call you back in a bit". He hangs up the phone before she can say another word.

He goes over to the patio, opens the door, and steps out.

"My life ain't a game, and what I do with it, is not any of your Damn business".

"Yes it is". A voice comes from behind him, and He turns to meet the swinging of a pickaxe. He ducks and runs back into the house, slamming the door shut, and running through the inky blackness. The figure opens the door, and silently creeps in. Ryon runs upstairs, into his bedroom, grabbing a baseball bat. He waits in silence.

As he turns his head to peek out the window, the figure moves by the doorframe, disappearing from sight as Ryon looks back.

"Get the hell out of my house, you son of a bitch". He yells at the darkness.

He slowly starts to move toward the doorway, as silent as he can. As he draws near, the figure rounds the corner, and catches the swing of the bat. Throwing him against the wall, then to the floor.

"Secrets can get you killed". The figure taunts. Ryo N tries to crawl backwards, and kicks the figure in the stomach, and He tries to Get around the figure, only to feel agonizing pain, as the blade enters his back. He cries out, and the figure, blade still inside him, drags the blade back toward him, and Ryon looses his footing, flies out the Window, falling onto the pavement.

Blood pools from his lifeless body, and the 'giraffe man' had a message to send to Nina, and the others. A message they would only get. A message to tell them its not over, and none of them are safe!

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