Fellow Wattpaders!

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((See what I did there? Wattpaders?👍👍🤔🤔))

I hope you guys liked the book! 📚📚📖📖

Put this in all your calendars! In a few weeks, September 25, I am posting a very good book. It is this incredible journey this baseball player named Aaron has. Here is the description:

Aron is the best player on an all white team, until a baseball injury forces him to stop playing and recover. He finds it hard to be successful afterwards when racism threatens to tear you down. Adding to that, his parents are treating him like a slave: angry, careless, and unloving. To top it all of, it is Now Aron is only worried whether or not he will even survive to age 22, or even get a career.

😱😱😱sounds good, right?

So please check my profile because I will have updates on that if anything changes.

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