Alive and...well?

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Zane's POV
My eyes slowly opened as I realized that no Americans found us yet and we were still stuck in this horrible smelling post. Thoughts rushed through my mind as I woke up even more. I looked over at Tom who was leaning against an old wall sleeping.

"Shit!" I said not too loud. I stood up and grabbed my gun while I walked over to Tom.

"Tom." I said while shaking him awake. "I fell asleep and didn't keep guard."

"Well, do you think it's still safe here? I mean, there hasn't been any sign of the terrorists." He replied sleepily.

"I don't know." Then a horrifying thought came to my mind. What if they aren't coming for us? If the Americans don't come for us, then we will have to do this alone. I decided to keep that thought to myself to keep Tom in a better mood than me.

"Let's make sure no animals came in here last night and took anything." Tom suggested. He began checking all of his inventory while I looked through my ammunition. I counted all of my packs and it was all there. I began checking my id and such when I touched my neck. My heart sank. It was gone. Tom seemed to notice my skin go pale as I touched my neck. He began getting worried that something was wrong.

"Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.

"It's gone." I repelled in a low mumble.

"What is?"

"My id. The necklace the army gave me. It's gone." I sank to the floor.

"Are you sure? Did you check everything?"

"Yes. I probably lost it during the ambush. Tom, if the terrorists found it, they would know where our base is. They could attack. Unless they already did."

"Don't assume that. The necklace would be almost impossible to find in this large of a space."

"Well, what would you suggest we do?" I asked him.

"We can't stay here forever. And going back to the field where we fought would be way too risky." He seemed fustrated as he replied. I tried thinking of where we could go but could come up with nothing and ran my fingers through my short black hair.

"Have a map?" I asked.

"I do but it is all torn and wet." He was referring back to early yesterday. When we were ambushed, and escaped for now, it began raining. It must have been torn from the sogginess.

"Try radioing again." He suggested.

I took out my Walkie and pressed just a few buttons. In case we weren't high enough, I held it up for hope of better reception. Suddenly, crackling consumed the speaker. Tom stood up abruptly and walked over to me, both of us straining to listen. I lowered the Walkie to both of us' level.

"This is Flight B-215 soldiers. We were ambushed from the latest attack." I spoke. We weren't allowed to use names over the Walkie so I used the flight number, our group that fought (B-215).

The crackling seemed to die down a little and we both could finally make out what they were saying.
"Calm down. What is your count?" They asked over the crackling noise. I could tell it was the chief, though.

"2." We responded.

"Do you know where you are?"

"Negative. Our map was destroyed. We were running fast and didn't take notice in where we were going."

"Are any of you two hurt?"

"No. We are okay. We are not sure if the terrorists are hunting us or not."

"Try and make your way back to the field where you fought. We can pick you up there."

"Understood. Out." I closed the Walkie and put it back away in my pocket. Tom and I both looked at each other and we both knew that this wasn't going to be easy.

Chief's POV
"I sent them to the field. If Section A did go back to the field then they should be able to find Tom and Zane when they reach the field." I said. I sat there angry at myself. I should've known they weren't dead from the start. But it wasn't my orders! I didn't think they were dead, it was his fault!
Just then the general walked in.

"You really messed up this time." I said bitterly to him.

"And you're the one who listened to my orders." The general replied.

"Yeah cause if I didn't, you would've fired me!" I raised my voice at him. "What are you going to do now?"

"It doesn't matter who's fault it is!" The general raised his voice back.

"We have two men surrounded by terrorists. And what do you do? You sit on your ass all day not having a care in the world! I don't care if you're my boss or even the president for that matter, but I am going to save those two men with or without you." I yelled. Wow, I yelled at my boss and he didn't fire me. Yet. Feels good. I then stared him in the eyes and he never said a word. I walked out of the room proudly.

"Any news?" I asked as I walked into the main room. It was were all the computers were. The people at the computers monitored planes leaving off and coming back on this base, radars, tracking planes, tanks, etc.

"No, sir. They have not radioed in since." Replied one of the top officers of this room. His name was Andy and he was a computers analysts specialist. "Should we tell their parents they are alive?"
I thought about it. They deserve to know the truth.

"Yes, but let's not tell it to them to their face. We already disrupted them once. Let's put it on the news."


Zane's parents POV
Tom's parents were over at our house taking in the horrible news. It was like a brick wall crumbling, only that is how we felt. Suddenly, our tv channel that was on before the news got disrupted and the news came on.

This news is being broadcasted all over America. I expected it to be about our sons, but what I heard was inconceivable. A few days ago early Monday morning, a group of soldiers were sent out on a mission to kill terrorists and take over their land near Iraq. However, two American soldiers have been ambushed at that attack and are missing. We don't know where they are, but what we do know is that they are alive. Recent Intel told us that the same group of soldiers who came back safely to the base have disobeyed orders and flew back to the field to save the two ambushed soldiers. But now this has become one of the scariest times we have ever faced, what our country has been fighting against. Terrorists are feared to be hunting the two soldiers. Now we can only hope that everyone will get back safely, with or without completing their original mission. I nearly burst into tears as the reporter finished his last sentence. Our boys are alive! It seemed as though bits and pieces of the crumbling wall was being out back together again. But what if they don't survive?

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