What war truly is

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Tom's POV
Zane and I walked as quietly as possible, although it was nearly impossible since leaves of all colors scattered the forest floor. It was hard to find our way back to the field because, well, we don't know exactly where it is. So we are trying to find our way back by seeing if anything looks familiar. Suddenly, Zane stopped abruptly in his tracks. I looked at him worriedly. He then began to run. I was confused as to what he was doing, but I followed him anyway. He ran behind a nearby thick oak tree. And I ran to one right next to him. We both hid behind it.

"What?" I mouthed to him. Zane did hand signals we learned a few years ago when we first joined the army. I heard something is what the signals said. I began to pay closer attention to what I could hear.

All I could hear was the slight breeze pushing the leaves around the floor. I was about to continue walking when I heard voices, voices coming closer and closer until they seemed to be right behind me and this tree.

"Those attacks on those American brats were awesome!" Said a male voice.

"I know, right? Now all we have to do is find those scared little soldiers, or whatever they are, kill them, and we have our revenge!" Another male voice exclaimed. I quietly looked at Zane who stared back at me and began telling him in signals that we should not attack them because if we lose then we could get killed but I guess I was too late because Zane ran out from behind the tree and behind the two terrorists. They turned around and noticed him. One of the men began to speak but as soon as he opened his mouth Zane began to attack him. I stood there watching the two men fight while wondering what I should do when the second man began attacking Zane at the same time. I quickly pulled out my gun to shoot the terrorists but Zane was in the way. By now, he had snapped one of the guys necks and he lay dead on the floor. I ran up to Zane and the other terrorist when he raised his gun at Zane. As soon as he pulled the trigger, I moved his gun upward hoping I wasn't too late. Not having any time to see if Zane was shot, I kicked and punched the terrorist making him have no chance of fighting back. I grabbed hold of his neck and squeezed. Harder. Harder. He finally fell dead to the floor next to the other one.

Quickly, I looked behind me expecting Zane to be dead. To my surprise, he was standing there watching the whole fight.

"Thank you." He said.

"For what? You're the one who decided to kill them." I responded.

"For saving my life."

Commander's POV
We scouted the whole field but there were not tracks or anything. The least we could do was radio the chief. He would probably yell at us again. So, I was stuck like someone standing in quick stand. What could I do now? Maybe the chief was right. Maybe we shouldn't have come.

"Commander!" Yelled one of my soldiers. He came running out of the woods right up to me.

"I found something!" He said while taking a deep breath since he was running. "A few miles east in the woods."

"What is it?" I asked him. We needed to be sure it was safe to go there before we actually did.

"A trap." Those words shocked me like I was being tasered. A trap?

"I'm sure the terrorists set it up. They have been having war here for at least a decade or so."

Suddenly, I saw a bunch of soldiers huddled around something. I ran over to get a closer look at what they saw. As I pushed my way through the crowd, I saw Austin standing in the center bending down low staring at a specific spot in the tall cat tails.

"What?" I asked.

"Look." I looked to what he was kneeling down by and I became instantly confused. A thick line of gunpowder continued out into the woods when there we looked to the left or right of it. After thinking about it, I decided that we should stay away from the mysterious line that seemed to never end until we knew what it was.

"Let's stay away from it until we know more. I'll radio in." I replied.

I made the connection between the chief and I.

"Commander?" I could hear the chief say on the other side of the line. I paused for a second afraid of what he might say.

"Yes. We are all accounted for and at the battlefield." I replied.

"I'm sorry for lashing out on you all. But now that you are there, I need you to stay at the battlefield. Zane and Tom radioed in a few hours ago and I sent them to you."

"Ok, but we found some weird gunpowder trail. Do you know anything about it? I'm looking down the trail right now." I said as I Leander carefully over the trail to look at how far it goes. Suddenly, far down the trail I saw something bright.

"Hold on, chief. I see something." I said. He paused. The bright light turned larger and larger until now I could finally see what it was. It looked like fire! I put away my Walkie quickly.

"Get as far away from the trail as you can't!" I yelled. Everyone noticed me running away and obeyed my command. Suddenly, the fire reached outside of the woods and as soon as it did, it triggered explosions. Every couple of feet the fire extended across the battlefield would send explosions coming up through the gunpowder sending soldiers flying through the air. But now the explosions weren't just coming from the gunpowder. Now wherever I turned and looked, I saw explosions coming from the left and right side of me, off of the trail. Men continued to try and dodge the random explosions, some going off right in front of them. We were in the middle of a minefield.

Hey everybody. I know these last current two chapters were published within a day apart so please let me know if there are any mistakes and please, comment on thoughts you have, etc. I really hoped you like this chapter and you can even comment on things you disliked or questions you have, you won't hurt my feelings! Thanks!

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