War is pain

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Commander's POV
I ran up to the clearing in the trees and found a large barbed wire fence. But something shocked me, Tom was on the other side of the fence, a few feet away from me.

Shaking myself out of my gaze, I ran up to Tom.

"We have to go, now!" I yelled at him, hoping no terrorists would follow. I grabbed his sleeve and pushed him back into the trees, where he couldn't be seen.

"Where is Zane?" I asked him.

"He didn't jump over the fence?" Tom asked, looking back.

"Lead Tom back to the plane. The rest of you, follow me." I said. Three people began to walk Tom to the plane, asking him questions. I don't think Tom was answering. I'm sure he is still in shock that we found him. But it isn't over yet.

I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't say a word until we got back to the base. One minute ago he was being chased and the next minute he was saved. It's a lot to go through so he is probably still trying to make sure this is real.
The rest if my group followed me like commanded to.

Suddenly, as we got closer to the camp, I heard gunshots go off from Austin. I looked back at him, only to see that he had shot two terrorists that were following behind us.

"We have to hurry." Austin said. His symptoms haven't gotten better and he was very pale. I was worried that he inhaled too much smoke and it was 'killing' his lungs.

However, I have never seen smoke inhalation do this to someone. The smoke Austin inhaled from the IEDs had to be some different type of smoke. It must have been made to kill someone who inhaled enough of it.

We made our way carefully around the camp to the entrance, hidden by the trees. No casualties had happened since so far.

I peered through the trees into the entrance. Armed men were blocking it, like a barricade.

I held my hand out in a fist, then motioned it forward, signaling my men behind me to shoot them down.

To not alarm too many people deeper into the camp, they put silencers onto their guns and changed their magazines. They began to shoot the armed men quickly, one by one. They never wasted a bullet.

Luckily we had done it fast enough that none of the terrorists had gotten away. But more noticed the fallen men and began to again block the entrance, extra careful. They were keeping watch closely, knowing we were out he somewhere.

Out of the blue, a jeep with no top, kind of like a doom buggy, rammed through the people, leaving some sprawled out on the ground to die.

The jeep stalled. We advanced towards it, and I got a closer look at the driver in distress. It was Zane. He jumped out of the car and ran towards us.

"Go they will follow us!" He shouted as he ran to us. I grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of me so he would be protected on all sides, like he was in the middle.

We continued to run until we were far away form the camp. We had slowed to a walk.

"The plane should be just a half hour or so away. It was a long walk to get here." I said. Austin and fallen behind me but had managed to keep up. Cam walked beside him, keeping a close eye on Austin.

"Woah, woah, stop." I said. Everyone did. "Take a two minute break." Men pulled out their half empty water bottles and began to drink them. Zane sat down on a large rock, thinking about everything that has happened.

"I stopped everyone because I noticed your back." I began as I sat down next to him. "What happened?"

"They beat both of us." He replied.

"Here." I handed him a water bottle and he drank most of it, grateful.
Suddenly, gunshots rang out. I quickly stood up from where I was sitting and looked towards the source. Men were hiding behind bushed low to the ground shooting at us.

"Take cover!" I yelled and everyone scrambled to hide behind trees and such. They reloaded their guns, ready to shoot. I ran to a nearby dip in the ground and laid down in it, Zane following close behind me. It helped us keep away from the bullets. Some of them soared above us but couldn't hit us because we were lower than them.

I recalled the past few days and how stressed everyone was. And when we finally found Zane and Tom, we were all happy again- until these terrorists had to mess everything up. All we want is our men back.

Rage burned inside of me. I took out my gun and poked my head out of the ditch.
Anger took ahold of me and I fired rapidly, missing a few shots. But I didn't care. I continued to fire until all gunshots that weren't my own had stopped.
I waited a couple of minutes and listened for any sound. Once I heard no movement, I stood up from the ditch and Zane did too.

We looked around I did a head count. All of my team were accounted for.
All of a sudden, Cam, who was in front of me, began to run into the trees.
"Stay here." I said to everyone and I ran after Cam.

"Cam!" I yelled. "Where are you?"

"Cam?" Still no response.

Something caught my extension from the corner of my eye and I turned to see what it was. A distance away, Cam was battling another man with a gun.

He punched him until the enemy fell onto the floor of leaves. Cam kneeled on top of him.

But the terrorist hadn't quit fighting. He struggled to grab his gun. But he managed to and a shot rang throughout my bones.

Cam didn't hesitate and stole the gun away from him. He quickly shot the terrorist in the head. I began to run over to Cam when he turned to me.
Pain filled his eyes and as soon as I reached him, he collapsed in the crunchy leaves.

"Cam, hold on." I said as I kneeled beside him, looking him over for any injuries. I noticed blood start to seep through his thick uniform, right in his stomach. I knew he wasn't going to make it, the was too much blood.

"We will get you back. I promise." I said, knowing it was a lie. I hadn't noticed a tear slip down my cheek. Cam had saved my life. That terrorist he killed was going to shoot me.

"Promise me one thing." He whispered. "That you will get everyone back safely."

His hand balled up in a fist and I knew he was in pain. I grabbed his hand reassuringly.

"Promise me." He barely was able to say.

"Of course. I promise." I said through my tears. He closed his eyes and soon, his breathing stopped. I cried by his side and I heard the rest of my group run up behind me, only to stop a few feet short. They took in the scene and left me with Cam while they took a break.

"Good people are like candles, they burn themselves up to give others light." ~Wiki

Hey guys, I hope you like! Just one quick note- an IED is a homemade explosive. Thanks!📚📚📚

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