Chapter 54: Bad Ending

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Ayuda's P.O.V

"Let's escape together."

His words were undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, widening my eyes to the fullest extent. The muscles around my jaw slackened, prompting my mouth to open wide right away. I was as still as a stone. His short words summoned some kind of chains all over my body and bound me in a tight grip with no space to move. The icy-cold temperature emanated from the downpour was no longer registered in my senses. All I could do at that crucial moment was gawk at the one who enunciated such staggering words.

His right hand remained on the back of my head, balling my hair to the roots and keeping my face looking towards him. This domineering action plainly expressed his hunger for the ruminative look on my face as I mused on his offer. He knew I could never lie to him if he studied my face closely while I gave him my response. And I hated this. It made me feel frighteningly vulnerable to him.

His eyes, as dark and deep as night, drilled deep into my bright ones as if he was desperately and impatiently searching for an answer in my mind. His lips lingered over mine, brushing against my pale ones lightly every so often as if teasing me, although I was not concentrating on that area.

My brain was overloaded with thoughts. I was incapable of thinking properly. Staring deep into his onyx eyes was like staring at a black wall that prevented my brain from functioning well. His last words just captured all of my emotions and tied them up in one messy knot. I was addled, bemused, furious, dejected, horrified, anxious, and much more. The chaotic emotions made my head throb, eventuating in my face crinkling in pain.

I squeezed my eyes shut as a headache grew painful. Only when I felt his hand withdrawing from my hair did I open my eyes. The pain in my head faded away steadily as if that one limb took it all away from my mind. My glazed vision was welcomed by the sight of a hand spreading its palm to me. I cast my eyes to the owner.

Sasuke Uchiha's pitch-black eyes bore through me. His orbs sparkled more than before. I could somewhat detect the eagerness in his hopeful eyes. His face was cold as usual, but it was his eyes that wordlessly invited me into putting my hand on his.

His fingers curled around mine in a very delicate manner as if I was going to shatter into pieces if he held it with a hint of roughness. His grip transmitted pleasing warmth to my hand and it slowly coursed right through my body. It made me feel safe, although it was just his masculine hand that touched me.

This was what I truly longed for – me and him holding hands. And it seemed like my wish had been granted, but at such a bad timing. Why? I've always wanted to hold his hand like this, but why now?

Turning around without a word, he started walking and pulling me along with him. I brought my gaze to his broad back. My eyes were glazed as though I had just woken up. Following him aimlessly step by step, I began to wonder – where is he taking me? Is he really going to take me with him, even though he hasn't listened to my answer yet? It's like he's taking me by force.

Realization finally hit me like a stab to the stomach. He knows. He knows what my answer is. He knows me so well that he doesn't want to wait for my response.

I abruptly put weights on the lower part of my body, especially my legs, and succeeded in coming to a stop, simultaneously bringing Sasuke to a halt as well. With our hands entwining together, we stayed still. None of us moved to look at one another in the eye. Sasuke kept his face facing away from me and I remained gazing down at the sopping ground. If it wasn't for the heavy rain around us, this whole area would've been completely silent.

I spoke with a soft voice, "Don't force me, Sasuke. You know my answer already."

A moment of pregnant silence passed by and I began to wonder whether he heard my voice above the prolonged din of the rain or not. I burned my gaze into his soaked hair.

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