Chapter 08: His Presence

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Continuation of last chapter

Naruto and Konohamaru began to talk and I walked to pick up the shuriken I threw a few minutes ago. As I picked it up from the ground, I noticed there were bloods on two sharp ends. This must be Kankuro's blood, I thought.

"You said you are going to enter the Chuunin Exam with your team, right?"

I looked to my side to see Sasuke standing there, his hands in his pockets as usual. He looked at me with impassive look and waited for my answer. I casually tossed the shuriken into my hip pouch and replied, "Yeah. The exam will start next week, if you're wondering."

"How can I participate in the exam?" inquired Sasuke with that unmistakably burning curiosity in his eyes.

"I knew you're going to ask that," I ignored his question deliberately, "It looks like Kakashi hasn't told you that yet."

"Ayuda," he called. I looked up (he's taller than me) at his face. His perseverance and commitment were clearly shown in his onyx eyes. The tone he used to speak with me also told me that he will get his answer no matter what. He added, "I want to enter the exam. Just tell me how."

I arched my eyebrows at him, "Are you sure? Even after meeting Gaara? He looks like the type of guy who can kill you without thinking twice. The Chuunin Exam is not really easy as it sound like, Sasuke."

"I should ask the same thing to you. Do you still have enough resoluteness left in you to enter the exam? Knowing you, your tenacity might be wavering slightly after learning that someone like him is here for the exam."

"Well," I started to walk away from him and his team, "You clearly don't know me because you're wrong. As long as I don't get in his way, I'll be safe and sound."

I spun around and walked off, uncaring of Sasuke's reaction since I had not answered to his question. I actually wanted to avoid that question because to be honest, I did not know the answer. Shiori told us about the Chuunin Exam and said we are qualified enough to participate in it. If your team leader feels like you're not ready, then you can't enter the exam no matter what. I knew that Kakashi had not told them because he was worried about them. It's up to him. Team 7 will have the permission to enter the exam if Kakashi allow them. But if Kakashi forbid them, then I can't do anything. That's why I desperately wanted to get away from Sasuke if he asks me that.

I took a glance behind me over my shoulder. I smiled triumphantly when I no longer see Team 7. It means that I was far away from them and Sasuke did not follow me or pestered me with his questions.

I was about to turn my head when I crashed into something hard; my cheek brushed against a blue object. I stumbled backward and I quickly regained my stability so as to avoid falling to the ground. I scowled to whoever it was in front of me and growled, "Watch where-"

My lips made a tight, straight line when I realized who it was – Sasuke. He raised an amused brow and stared at me with a simple blank look, "You still haven't answered my question yet."

I scowled and gritted my teeth, frustrated that he's still here. I didn't know he could be this annoying. I guess he's the 'what he wants, he will get it' type.

Well, I can just give him the answer he's waiting for and he will get out from under my feet then. Yup, it's actually that simple.

"I honestly don't know," I simply shrugged, then looked at his face to see his reaction.

I held back a smirk when he gave me one of those surprised looks. He frowned as if he found my answer quite ridiculous and his mouth was ajar, giving me a chance to look its insides. I added with raised eyebrows and a mocking smile, "Too bad, but at least you got the answer you so desired. Well, Sasuke, I'll take my leave then."

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