Chapter 05: Enraged

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[The next day...]

Ayuda's P.O.V

The next morning, I was helping Shiori preparing our breakfasts when suddenly we heard knocks on the door. Shiori went to the door and I began to feel anxious.

What if that visitor is my mother? Or father? Or worst, both?

I followed Shiori to the door silently. She opened the door gently, revealing a familiar man standing outside her apartment.

I breathed out a sigh of relief when I recognized it was Kakashi, Team 7's teacher. Still, I was confused. What is he doing here?

"Ah, good morning, pervert," Shiori jested with a mischievous smile.

Kakashi sweatdropped, "Do you really have to call me that? By the way, good morning. Hm?"

Kakashi's gaze rested on me and stared in confusion. Shiori turned to look at me and gestured for me to come closer, so I did. She put an arm around my shoulders and enlightened Kakashi, "She's staying here with me temporarily."

A smile reached Kakashi's face as he inquired curiously, "Since when?"

"Last night. Something happened and she wanted to stay here for a while. Anyway, come in, Kakashi."

The three of us walked into the living room. I excused myself and entered the kitchen. I picked up two plates from the counter and carefully placed them on the dining table. Each consisted of two pieces of bread and a fried egg.

Shiori led Kakashi to the dining table and he sat down on a chair. I awkwardly took the seat across from him while Shiori took the one next to him.

"Don't worry. I've already eaten my breakfast just now," Kakashi told us while waving his hand leisurely.

When Shiori took a bite of her bread and chewed it slowly, Kakashi's eyes fell on me and he asked, "How's your arms?"

I put down the bread I was holding and raised both of my bandaged arms for Kakashi to look. Just as I expected, his eyes shifted and inspected my arms. I smiled, "My arms are getting better, I guess. The burn marks are slowly diminishing. I'll unwrap the bandages when the marks are completely gone."

"I am glad that the injuries are not that serious," Kakashi commented. Then he looked at me straight in the eye and he bowed his head slightly, "On Sasuke's behalf, I'm sorry-"

"It's all right, Kakashi-sensei. Sasuke apologized to me and I forgave him. All is well."

Kakashi closed his eyes in a smile, "That's good to hear. Sasuke is the type of person that does not easily ask for forgiveness. He rarely gets along with Naruto and Sakura too."

"Well, it's clear as day that you have an emo student, Kakashi," Shiori chimed in.

I chuckled. Sasuke is definitely emo.

"By the way, Kakashi," Shiori asked, "are you not going to recommend your squad for the Chuunin Exam? My team, Asuma's team, and Kurenai's team agreed to it."

Kakashi's smile dropped steadily and his right hand rose to rub his temples, "I am still thinking about that. I've seen their performances in our most challenging mission we took; an A-rank mission."

I choked on the bread I was chewing. Shiori was obviously stunned as well as she stared at the male Jounin incredulously. I ignored Kakashi's glance as I took a cup of water and drank all of it before slamming it to the table.

Sasuke and his team took A-rank mission?!

"I thought genins are allowed to take only D-rank and C-rank missions!" I voiced out my thought with wide eyes.

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