Chapter 04: Shocking News

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[A few days later...]

Third Person's P.O.V

"Hey, Yuda-chan. What are you doing?" asked Reina as she entered Ayuda's bedroom.

Reina watched as Ayuda took a small wet cloth and wiped her metal bow with it. She smiled sweetly at her big sister and replied, "I'm cleaning my bow. After that, I'll be cleaning all of my arrows."

The older sister sighed and could only shake her head at her younger sister's love for bow and arrows. Ayuda had always loved them ever since she laid her eyes on her mother's bow and arrows. She said it looks cool. Even though her parents clearly disagreed at her decision, she insisted on using them as her weapon. Her parents wanted her to use katana but Ayuda refused.

"I think you have to stop for a while and go see father and mother in their bedroom," Reina said, "They want to see you now."

"Huh?" Ayuda's eyes showed a hint of fear as she asked, "Are they going to ask me to learn more techniques?"

Reina shook her head, "No. Just go and listen to them. But remember, Yuda-chan, this is for you and your family's reputation. Father and mother will do anything to keep their reputation high as clouds."

With that, Reina left the room. Ayuda was so curious that she immediately stopped cleaning her bow and went to her parents' bedroom. She knocked on the door twice before she entered.

There she saw her parents relaxing on the bed. Her father was reading newspaper while her mother read a novel. She stood in front of the bed and asked, "What is it?"

Her parents exchanged looks before they put away the newspaper and the novel away. Ayuda knew that this topic must be pretty serious because their actions showed it. Seeing how her parents acted, Ayuda couldn't help but felt nervous.

"We hope that you will think positively in this matter, Ayuda," her mother started.

Ayuda frowned, "What?"


Ayuda's P.O.V

I had a feeling that something bad will happen. Father and mother's eyes were glued to my questioning gaze. Father looked at me with that same gaze such as when he told me to learn more ninja techniques, but this time, his eyes were practically coercing me to obey his next command. Mother looked at me with stern eyes.

"Ayuda," father called, "we are going to put you in an arranged marriage."

I could feel every muscle in my body halted and asked one another the "what the hell?" question while my heart skipped a beat. The things that only moved were the muscles around my eyes since they widened in surprise and the muscles around my jaw as they dropped.

"WHAT?!" I screamed and I was pretty sure that my neighbours heard it.

I lost my patience at this point.

Mother began to chide me angrily, "Ayuda! Do not raise yo-"

"Arranged marriage?!" I cut my mother's words off without worrying even the slightest bit that I sounded like a misbehaving and rude daughter. But I couldn't care less. My parents did something I hate without my permission!

I added, "I obeyed everything you told me and now you want me to marry a stranger?! Why?! Oh! I know! Because I am an obedient daughter who automatically follows your orders! You think that I will instantly agree to this madness because of how obedient I am! Well, no! I am not going to marry in such a young age!"

Mother glared at me, "Young lady! How dare you talk back to your parents who raised you! We will put you in an arranged marriage and you will have enough time to get to know the man you are to be betrothed with! You and this boy will engage after the Chuunin Exam and you will marry him when you are over 18 years old! We and the boy's family agreed to this and-"

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