Another A/N

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I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a few days. I've made a start on the next update but my mums been really sick recently, even more so than usual. She's been sick for around 6 years and me being her carer I've had to look after her. More than I usually have to.

She's been having complications with an operation she had back in September last year since January and has had to have a feeding tube put in as she is unable to eat and drink a lot. She was getting better and was able to eat a small kids amount of food, she's had the feeding tube in for a few months now but about 2 days ago now she fell over and it ripped it a little bit. That's caused it to get infected and because if that she has been really sick.

So I've been really busy looking after her a lot and have had hardly any free time. Plus doing the housework I mentioned before for the dog. I should be able to get the next update out in the next few days. But after that updates maybe every few days rather than everyday like before. But that should only a week at most hopefully, then I can go back daily updates.

I'm really sorry to the people who enjoy this story, I really appreciate the support and nice comments you all leave me. But I need to make sure my mum is okay.

So yeah the next update will be up in the next few days. Sorry for the wait 😌

- PumpkinMilkTea ✌🏻

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