Bonus Chapter

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Finals are tomorrow and I've been studying with J and Kitai all month. My class didn't really carried much theory it was mostly practical but I still had to study.

"Are you OK Liz?" J asked. Our Morning sickness are terrible.

"Yea, just want to get this over with. The alcohol makes me wanna gag" I was so upset, I love alcohol why couldn't I still work with it!?

" it's gonna be over soon. At least its one day, I have 4"  Thank god!

Finals Day

"OK everyone, you have an hour to complete this easy paper. When your through walk your asses over to the lab and set up. Your time begins now!" Ms Brown stated. While glancing through the papers I began to laugh.

"Something wrong ms Smith?" Ms Brown lowered her glasses.

"No mam!" I smiled. This exam is the EASIEST exam I've ever done. It literally took me 10 minutes to complete. Raising up from my seat I smirked at the students who's having a hard time... Idiots.

"I'm through ms Brown" I handed her my paper.

"OK, you can go" I took my stuff and was about to head through the door "oh and ms smith I hope that everything is correct because I don't allow resits" this bitch though!!!

"Would you like to mark it right now!!?" I snapped. Don't they see I'm the Luna! She shook her head 'no' . "Up to you... ADIÓS MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!" I showed the hypocrites in the class the finger. Bitches never liked me anyways.

While on my way to the lab, I spot Sasha crying at her locker. Sasha crying!??? I wanted to laugh.

"What's wrong Sasha?" I tried to suck the amusement from my voice.

"I've found my mate and he rejected me!!" Ha ha ha, this day is the BEST DAY EVER!!!!


"It was Jason" Jason was a science nerd. AND HE REJECTED HER!!!!!!! A NERD REJECTED A POPULAR BITCH...... THIS IS CLASSIC!

"WHAT?!!" I said sarcastically " Someone finally shot you down huh!!. I would too because I wouldn't want a Slut like you as a mate!!" I slammed her into the locker and walked to the lab.


"Wow miss Smith, I must say your creations are indeed beautiful and creative. They even tastes better!!" My teacher commented. My cocktails were always great, pity I couldn't taste shit... UUGGGHHH!!!!

"Thank you" I said while taking my pictures.

A/N This is some of the stuff Liz made for her exam..... PS.... These are what I did at school.

The Minion Cocktail

The Minion Cocktail

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