Drone Alone

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So this weekend's going to be interesting. Tasha and Davenport are going away for the weekend so we're gonna get the house to ourselves. Can I get a hell yeah!? The only problem is that I'm getting sick. This kid in my math class sneezed on me and he had a cold. Damn you Matthew Dickinson!

We were all sitting on the couch, except for Tasha and Davenport who were preparing everything they needed for their trip. Leo wasn't even in the room but I had no clue where he was.

"Oh, this is so exciting!" Tasha squealed. "I have never been to Australia before."

"Maybe you'll like it so much you won't want to come back." Eddie suggested. Tasha gave him a look then turned to me.

"You're so lucky you don't have him in your room." I chuckled and snuggled more into Chase's side. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me. Leo walked into the room and stood next to his mom.

"Donald, honey, do you have the plane tickets?" Tasha asked. Davenport laughed.

"Honey, we're taking my fully automated private jet." He informed her. "Plane tickets. Why don't we just slap on a bunch of stamps and just mail ourselves there?"

I turned my head to watch Leo, Tasha and Davenport. I'm not creepy whatsoever.

"Private jet, that works." Tasha turned to Leo, smiling like a maniac. "Score!" She whispered to her son. Davenport looked at Leo.

"Okay, Leo, this is your chance to prove that you're responsible enough to stay home without us." He told him. Leo frowned.

"Me? What about them?" He asked, gesturing towards our bionic friends. Davenport chuckled in amusement.

"They were designed to go on missions and save the world." Adam, Bree, and Chase were doing nothing important, so his point wasn't exactly proven. "You were designed to break stuff." He told Leo.

"What about her?" He asked, pointing at me.

"Leo, how many time have I told you that pointing at me will make you lose a finger?" I asked, sweetly yet viciously. Does that make sense? "Besides, all I'm gonna do is watch TV and sleep. I'm coming down with a cold so I won't be moving much."

Leo turned his attention back to Davenport. "Don't worry, I know the rules." He assured Davenport. "No touchy-touchy your stuffy-stuffy."

"Leo, I'm serious. There's millions of dollars' worth of technology here, so no goof ups, no explosions, no fires...you know what? I'm not going."

"Donald!" Tasha called amused. "Leo will be responsible, he is a big boy." She then turned to Leo. "Sweetie, I left your flame retardant undies on the dresser." She informed him.

"Dude, you still wear those?" I questioned, laughing. He glared at me but I continued to laugh. That laughing turned into a coughing fit.

"You okay?" Chase asked, patting by back. I nodded.

We spent another fifteen minutes trying to convince Davenport that nothing would happen while he was gone. After making sure we knew where the inflatable raft was, he finally left with Tasha. Eddie went with them, but they didn't know that. As soon as they stepped out of the house, Adam, Bree, and Chase jumped to their feet.

"Whoo! Party in the lab!" Adam cheered. Leo and I glanced at each other before turning our attention to our friends.

"Did you not hear what Davenport just said? We're supposed to be responsible?" Leo asked. Adam nodded.

"Okay. I'll be responsible for the snacks. Leo and Alex, you're responsible for blowing up that raft! Whoo-hoo! Party in the lab!" The three of them ran down stairs, dancing and cheering.

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