Death Spiral Smackdown

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I woke up early on a Monday morning and groaned. I hate Monday’s and I hate school. School is hell and Principal Perry is the devil. I’m almost positive that she’s a Principal just so she can torture the students.

I climbed out of bed and hopped in the shower. I let the hot water soothe my stiff muscles that I got from sleeping the wrong way.

I quickly changed into a pair of blue skinny jeans and threw on my blue V-neck. I slipped on my blue converses and walked back into the bathroom so I could plug in my straightener. I added a little bit of makeup as my straightener heated up.  

Twenty minutes later, my hair was pin straight. I grabbed my book bag and slung it over my shoulder before walking out of my room.

I entered the kitchen and saw that Bree, Chase, and Leo were eating breakfast on the island.

“Morning!” I chirped. I sat on the chair next to Chase and he pecked my cheek.

“Alex, guess what today is.” Leo said.

I shrugged but that’s when it hit me. “The Death Spiral Smackdown.” I said in realization.

“I’ve heard about that.” Chase said.

“Yeah, and you’re gonna get creamed.” I told Leo. “Especially if you have Gordo as your partner.” I added.

“Well this year he’s not my partner. Adam is.” He grinned. “So are you guys gonna come watch after school?”

“We’d love to, but we’re gonna go to the mall and check out the new escalator. I finally mastered the art of stepping off without tripping!” Chase said, getting all giddy.

“Oh, um, were we supposed to do that today? Shoot, I-I can’t make it. I have a really big test I need to study for.” Bree lied. I knew she was lying since she wasn’t very convincing.

“What? Okay fine. I just hope those old ladies are there to clap for me.” Chase replied. He obviously bought the lie.

“What am I? Chopped liver?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He chuckled nervously and kissed my cheek. “I’d rather have you cheer me on rather than some old ladies.”

“Good to know.” I said and pecked his lips.

Leo started to open up a jar of cereal but it didn’t look like cereal at all.

“Never had this cereal before.” Leo said, opening his mouth. He was about to shove a piece of the “cereal” in his mouth when Bree stopped him.

“No! Leo! Those are power pellets.”

“I don’t care what they are as long as they make my milk chocolaty.” Leo grinned.

“No.” Chase deadpanned. “They’re bite sized pieces of adrenaline that activate our bionics.”

“Yea, but we don’t eat them anymore ‘cause we learned how to activate them ourselves.” Bree added.

“They taste like dog treats without the livery after taste.” Chase added. I looked at him weirdly and he panicked. “I’m guessing.” He added.

“Alex, you shouldn’t have given him a look seeing as how you ate dog food once.” Leo said. Bree and Chase turned to me.

“I was five!” I defended. “And you shouldn’t be the one talking.” I pointed to Leo. “You ate cat food and you were ten.”

“I thought it was tuna!”

“There was a picture of a cat on the can.” Leo didn’t have anything to say to that so I just smirked. Bree and Chase laughed and Leo just pouted.

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