My Crazy Life

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Disclaimer: Don't own Lab Rats. Just my character.

My life was anything but a fairytale. I wasn't considered a normal teenaged girl. 

I was anything but. 

My mom died in a car accident when I was thirteen, and I thought my world was going to crumble around me. My mom was the one person I told everything to, and when she died, I lost my best friend. The relationship I had with my mom was different compared to the one I had with my dad, and when she died, it completely changed. He distanced himself from me and started going out to bars almost every night. 

And that was when it began. 

The hitting. 

It was usually a slap to the face every now and then, but as he started coming home drunk, his slaps turned to kicks and punches. I could see the anger in his eyes, his pupils dilating and the color darkening. My screams would go unheard, and my cries would be muffled by his hand. My body would usually be covered in bruises, forcing me to put on makeup and hide them. No one could know what my father did to me. If anyone found out my secret...I would be dead. 

Going to school, especially Mission Creek High felt like a chore. The teachers, the classes...I felt like I was losing IQ points instead of gaining them. There was only one upside to going to school, and his name was Leo Dooley. 

Leo and I had been best friends since we were little, and we were attached at the hip. We did everything together, even pull pranks on some of the students. His mom treated me just like the daughter she never had, and I found myself getting closer to her after my mom passed away. Tasha had recently gotten married, and I was truly happy that she had found someone. I remember how she was when Leo's father left them, and it broke my heart to see her so sad. 

But because we were best friends, I found myself unable to lie to him about the abuse. 

Though I did try. 

He discovered some bruises I was unable to hide very well. I had never seen him so angry in my life, and if he were a cartoon, steam would have been coming out of his ears. He tried to convince me to call the police, but his attempts failed. I knew that if the police found out, I would be taken out of my house and sent to live with my aunt in New York. 

No matter how much I disliked Mission Creek, I didn't want to move. All I had ever known was here, and I would be thrusted into a world of unknowns if I was forced to leave. 

Walking into school, I forced my eyes to stay open. The coffee I drank was having no affect on me at all, and I knew today was going to be hell. But interesting, I thought as I saw Leo talk with three people I had never seen. 

"Hey, Leo." I greeted, flashing him a tired smile. 

"Hey, Alex." He greeted back. "Alex, I want you to meet my new step-siblings. This is Adam, Bree, and Chase." He gestured to the three kids in the order I described them.

"Hey, nice to meet you."

"Hey, can we be besties?" Bree squealed. 

I was about to answer, only to have Leo interject. 

"She already has a bestie and that's me." He pointed to himself.

"Dude, you're my guy best friend and I'm lacking in the girl department." I turned to Bree. "The answer to your question is yes." She squealed once again and hugged me. Wincing, I bit my lip as she squeezed my side that was currently sporting a large bruise. 

I shook my head as Leo stared at me. 

"So, what classes do you guys have?" I asked, shifting my bag onto my other shoulder. 

My Crazy Life (Lab Rats)Where stories live. Discover now