Chapter Ten

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Angelica's Pov
I fluttered my sleepy eyes open I felt the rumble of the deep engine rocking through my body. I shifted a bit holding my pounding head very confused wondering what the actual hell was occurring in this very moment. I looked around the sleep slipping from my vision. I was in the passenger seat of Optimus's truck everything from last night rushed to my head causing my heart to race.

"Bee." I gasped loudly hearing a deep rumble trying to sooth me.

"Angelica are you recharged?" Optimus asked me without stopping his driving I say to fumbling around with the seatbelt.

"We have to get Bee, Optimus you can't just leave him," I said rushed out, I tried getting out but Optimus kept locking the door each time I did causing pure frustration to run through me.

"I'm not leaving Bee, Optimus." I exclaimed over the anger almost causing me to shout at him.

"Angelica there is nothing we can do without hurting the humans." He spoke calmly, I shook my head fast in disbelief.

"No, no stop it there's a way Optimus." I rushed out, I hit his seat angry a couple times it of course didn't hurt him or phase him. He was still keeping him calm.

"You can't leave Bee." I gasped out my heart hurting at the thought. He wasted not a single thought to protect us why couldn't we do the same for him.

"Bumblebee is a brave soldier Angelica." Optimus calmly responded he said nothing else to me. I hit Optimus's seat hard and then glared angrily looking out towards the view. We came to a complete stop. I got out quick my feet hitting the ground, I rushed off on my own climbing up on the large platform Optimus lead us to just needing my own space to cool myself down.

"Up you go little lady." I heard Jazz say amused helping lift me up, I gasped not expecting him to do that so quickly.

"Thank you." I muttered feeling calm with Jazz. He had that vibe that made you feel at ease for the time being. All the Autobots were up here and I refuse to look at Optimus I was mad he was being selfish, so selfish.

"Prime are we to do nothing? Are we just gonna leave BumbleBee?" Jazz asked angrily to Optimus. His own tone was harsh with his thoughts at their leader. I scoffed resting in Jazz palm of his hand, slightly griping at one of his fingers.

"Bumblebee is a brave soldier we can't do nothing without harming the humans." Optimus spoke towards them all when he dis, I saw him holding Sam's glasses in his grip. "Please let this work." He mumbled a good lingering in his voice.

"Light em up." Ironhide called out leaning his body back for a moment. I saw Optimus's large electric blue eyes light up the lens.

"Yes, the cube's location is on the glasses," Optimus called dimming his lights once he was finished with the light beam. "Autobots let's roll out," He told them one by one each one of them jumping down Jazz set me down. I was gonna ask to ride with him for a bit still needing some space for myself. I was still upset with all this, I ending up jumping back in place I stepped back Optimus was blocking me in his semi-truck.

I shook my head with a glare at his large form, "No Optimus." I snapped, he revered his engine opening the door harshly. "I'm upset with you." I snapped trying to go around he did the same thing each time I tried he would just drive quickly to block my view.

I grunted knowing I was wasting time with this he wasn't gonna stop. I climbed back in the passenger seat, the door closed shut behind me. I looked towards the window feeling the seatbelt fasten around me in place.

"I'm still upset with you." I whispered in the end we started driving off, Optimus leading the way.

"Don't be upset with me." Optimus's deep voice told me.

"Have you ever heard of no sacrifice no victory?" I muttered looking down for a second. "Sam says that I always hear him say it," I said with a small chuckle. I looked out the window with sad eyes. "Mine is a little different sacrifice will yet, don't fail." I mumbled feeling a small breeze go through my wild messy curls.

"I feel like I have not much to live for so for just one life I'll sacrifice all and not fail." I said with a small tremble. "There's not much left." I said brushing my cheek a bit. I looked to the side again.

"Don't say that each life is equally important to who lives it everyone has the wish to live even you Angelica." Optimus said smoothly to me. "Angelica, I am your guardian whether you want or not as my duty as leader. I protect the Autobots but I will make sure you are safe whenever you're in danger or even when you feel like you will be, scream my name come find me or I'll will find you cause in my spark I will do so," He whispered.

I cracked a sad smile feeling a small tear leave my eyes it was the sweetest thing I've ever heard. "Okay Optimus." I whispered rubbing his seat a bit with the palm of my hand.

"I'm sorry its just I care about each of you guys almost like a mother would its an instinct," I whispered feeling a heavy heart all over.

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