Little Black Hoodie and the Big Bad Vampire

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this is prompt no.3 as per request of the two votes it got, so, here we go!

Alec and his sister were off in a huff. First, some woman with a vendetta nearly exposes vampire kind to kill the Cullen's, then not only does she fail, none of the Cullen's were even harmed! Not to mentioned that Bella was still human, and that Carlisle thought he had the authority to give that newborn life, even when the laws clearly state that she should die. The four guards were all in a mood because of the lack of a fight. Felix especially.

It was hunger that forced them to stop before going to the airport to return home. After a brief argument (with unnecessary yelling from every one) it was decided that the four would split up to hunt a bit before returning home.

Demetri would head to the city, and find some night club were some girl would be taken with his charm and prowess, and follow him 'home', where he, on the way, would drain her in some alley.

Felix would find some seedy bar and pick a fight. He'd pull his punches and 'take it outside', where he'd play with his food, breaking the ribs with punches and eventually sinking his teeth into the neck of the poor muscle head who thought fighting the ex-gladiator was a good idea.

Jane was easier, picking off drunk teens at a party was more her style, causing them to have subtle pains that would progress into full blown agony and then quickly drink them while they're screaming was her typical hunt.

Alec preferred campers. He liked to terrorize them before ending them. Using his fog to cut off the senses of one, then another, slowly making them paranoid by flitting through and touching one of them, or stealing something until one become stupid enough to go into the woods to see what that noise was. Here, Alec would kill the other campers at the site, then wait for the other one to come back. Alec was always a bit dramatic when it came to his hunting, he supposed that aspect of Aro rubbed off on him over the years, well, centuries.

Once done hunting, or playing to Alec, the immortal teen wondered through the woods. It was only a little passed two in the morning, and he didn't need to be back at the airfield until before five. He had half a mind to look for his sister, maybe they could hunt together. That was their favorite activity to do together, even if it did turn into a bloody competition that made the news. He decided against it. Jane was upset, and the edge of their game might push her to do something she might regret. So he opted to take a stroll instead.

He went further and further into the thick, dark forest. Not even twenty minutes into his walk, a twig broke, ever so faintly, behind him. His neck and face snapped to see who disturbed the previous silence. There stood a teenage girl. Her dark hair was shoulder length and cut uneven, choppy tresses fell over her pale cheeks. Her eyes were wide and dark as well. Well, to be honest everything about her was dark except her skin. Hair, eyes, clothes. She was human, if her faint heartbeat was anything to go by. It was amazing how someone, human, vampire, or otherwise, managed to get so close, less than ten feet, without being detected. Alec couldn't even smell her, and her heartbeat was only heard through straining his hearing.

Any rational human would have been scared. Flee at the sight of a young man with blood dribbling down his chin. But the girl just raised an unimpressed eyebrow. Silently, she raised her hand and gave Alec a three finger salute.

"Evenin'." Her voice was too light and pleasant for the atmosphere.

Alec's mouth moved before his brain could come up with a threatening retort to make the girl go away. "What are you doing here?"

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