Chapter Sixteen.

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Jake didn't call, didn't come by the shop didn't even try to contact Maggie for the next few days. Her days seemed suddenly less bright and she found herself going through motions in a zombie like state. She still got up at four thirty in the morning, went to the shop and began baking. At exactly six the shop opened and she would flip the sign, people would float in and she'd smile and force herself to make small talk. All day from six in the morning until five at night when she closed she waited, expecting him to walk in the door at any minute like he used to but he didn't.

She would flip the sign at five just like always and then silently wait around for half an hour just in case he was running late. Then she'd walked back to the back room and begin preparing for the next day, she'd walk home alone to an empty apartment and at midnight she'd collapse into her bed.

She didn't look good, she began to lose weight and dark circle permanently attached under her eyes but this time nobody was around the lecture her about not taking are of herself.

The snow slowly began to thaw as the days turned into months, turning into weeks, turned into a few months. She continued seeing Liam, but the only person who thought it was a bad idea was Delia. She took him to her parents a few times on Sundays, he was polite and kind. He made her dad laugh and her mother adored him.

This Sunday was no different, Artemis was sitting at the kitchen table gushing about her wedding plans while snapping peas, Delia was drinking white wine and leaning against the counter. Maggie sat at the other end of the table peeling potatoes, their mother bustling around at the stove. Carlos, Liam and their father were in the den watching football.

"Jake should be dropping off the kids any minute now," Artemis said, checking her watch.

Maggie glanced up and saw Delia watching her, she turned her attention back to the potatoes. Delia was the only one who knew just how close Maggie and Jake were, Delia was the only one who knew about them having sex and she was the only one who knew how hard it was not talking to him.

A car horn beeped and Artemis glanced at the door.

"Maggie, do you mind going out?" She asked.

"I'll go." Delia said immediately.

"No, I can go."

"Mags...."Delia started to protest.

"I can go Dee. It's fine."

"Am I missing something?" Artemis asked, glancing between the sisters.

Maggie shook her head as she moved to the door and pulled on her shoes, she grabbed her jacket and pushed open the door. It would be the first time she'd seen or spoke to Jake since that day and the bakery. She walked down the steps to where Jake was leaning in the back seat of his car talking to the kids.

"Put your shoes on, come on." he said gently.

"I don't like Carlos," Cory said.

"Come on," Jake insisted.

Maggie approached the car, taking a deep breath and leaning in the opposite side.

"Hey guys."

"Aunt Maggie!" Ava reached for her, pulling her into a hug.

Over the small blonde head Maggie saw Jake look up at her for just a minute before he turned his attention back to his son.

"You guys getting out or not?" Maggie teased.

"We don't want to, we don't like Carlos." Ava said.

"Well I'll tell you a secret," Maggie said, kneeling down so she was on their level.

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