Chapter Twelve: Apologies

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       Dick was standing in the garage with a scowl on his face when I got back. Oh fuck. I pretended not to care about my obviously pissed off brother while I parked the bike and removed myself from it. I didn't pay any attention to Dick as I made my way back into the house and up to my room. He followed me the whole way up, not making a sound which was unusual for Dick. Once we were in my room, he began the interrogation.

"How was he? B told me some things, but I know that you'd know better than he would," Dick asked.

"He's bad, Dickie. He needs help, not nightly beat-downs. I want him to come home, but dad wouldn't allow that. He doesn't want anything to do with him because he broke the no killing rule. I've done much worse in the past five years, but he doesn't give a shit," I replied.

"That's not true. He just doesn't know what you've been going through."

"Bullshit! He's the world's greatest goddamn detective, I think he can figure out what his own daughter is up to. He doesn't care and neither do you, so get the hell out!," I yelled.

"What are you talking about? Of course I care, you're my sister."

"Not by blood and that means that you'd leave me the minute I become a burden. Why don't you go talk to Tim? I'm sure you'd fucking love to."

"Is that what this is about? You're jealous of Tim," Dick said with a stupid grin.

"As if! I would never stoop so low, but you obviously have. Drake is not just Jason's replacement, he's mine too. You lost a Robin and a sibling so you found a Robin who could be your sibling even though she was still alive. Even though she needed you more than anyone!," I screamed, angry tears welling up in my eyes.

"I didn't know you felt that way, Ridley. Or am I allowed to call you Martha again since Jay's back? I tried to be there for you, but all you did was push me away."

"It's still Ridley to you and everyone but him. And I pushed you away because I knew you could have helped. You aren't supposed to give up on family, you have to push your way back into their lives if they push you out. I needed you and you abandoned me again," I said.

"I'm sorry, Rid. You're right, I should have tried harder but I felt just as hopeless as you did. If I could go back and do it again, I would change everything. I promise to be here for you now," Dick pleaded.

"Why should I trust you? I was left alone in the cave on my sixteenth birthday with a broken nose while you were upstairs comforting Timmy. You've been a shit brother and I don't have anyone to talk to anymore! Roy is the closest thing I have to a friend and it's sad when you start hanging out with your older brother's friends."

"How did I not see how bad you've gotten? I should have been paying more attention," Dick said quietly.

"You're goddamn right! Dad told me that the night you found me that you swore to protect me forever. Where is the brother who broke his arm to save me from getting hurt? Where is the brother who always made me smile when I was sad? Where is my brother, Dick?"

"I don't know what happened between us any more than you do! Please, just give me a chance to make this right," he begged.

"You're on probation, Grayson. I'll allow you to have a second chance, but you had better prove to me that you're worth it."

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