11~ Can things Get Any Worst?

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Chapter Eleven (unedited)

I am the worst human being ever

One fat lying cow if I could say. Days have past- long ones actually, you could say I was still that deceiving woman who had every opportunity to spill out the truth to the guy who was staying here and who has every right to know that I am carrying his child yet I remained a coward

I didn't really have the confidence to when all I could see was how disgusted he was to have one. The horror filled panic was set on his face and it made me bite my words back. Fear had a big impact in me and I'm afraid it might hit me with greater force if I keep this up. But the fear was not the only thing that was getting bigger, it was also my stomach- the belly that was hidden behind a baggy sweater and sweats. I couldn't wear anything fitting anymore and that scares me knowing Pearl would give a fit when she realizes I'm two time the size of the bridesmaid gown. Other than that has my second problem, I still have my third and that was Giselle

That girl seemed smart, I notice but the fact that she clings to Andy twenty four seven and kisses him without worry while we stared mouth open in public, that girl seems to annoy the shít out of me. The house seemed better without her and this is not just the jealousy talking but the fact that she's a slob and everything she passes through or uses are in constant mess

That's why I have banned her into the kitchen- secretly of course. The last had brought me into frenzy, that way everything clattered down the floor when she got burned by popped oil. Let's just say she turned my kitchen into hell

While the house seemed beautifully tragic, my father was living the best of his days with Pearl where they now stayed In the beach house my father bought for his forty fourth birthday. Says the man that he decided to give the house to whoever child would want, so to say Damien was out of the question when he decided he would go back to New York with Andy and Giselle. So it was passed to me

To an inexperience dumb eighteen year old girl

In most days, I still hated the morning sickness but there were also time when I felt immune or normalized by it. It was also part of my normal routine had changed differently too. I wasn't the earliest bird in the morning anymore, I ate last and I had been forced to eat grass and fruits, what made things even worst was that Chris had realized I have been ignoring him. I couldn't look at him actually- from meeting down the halls to morning runs which I have cut off and it was a daily torture to even see him all day. Luckily I had digest myself in work and magazines about everything I needed to know about babies and pregnancy

As today, well I was lucky to know everybody left and that includes Chris. They said they would eat outside and that was it, Gisselle had tagged along and unfortunately Aubrey had duties of her own and that was running her store so I was left here with nothing to do

I thought about job Hunting, probably something small and isolated like a cafe or a diner but then again, I wasn't sure if it was okay for the body

Just as the thought of the baby, I slowly circle my thumb around my belly, my stomach was no longer flat but one rounded hill, the way my fingers trailed towards my abdomen as I inspected myself in the mirror where I saw the progress of it's growth

I still have a long way to go.....

With a sigh, I covered it back before padding towards the kitchen. I was a bit happy that I was alone, it meant I could have the place for myself without interruptions and idiots roaming around screaming or making out somewhere

I mean, a pregnant girl could ask for her space and privacy- I could indulge on my sweet tooth and let me worry about it after, hell I could walk around naked- as much as that sounded good right now, I mean what could go wrong?

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