Her Little Secret

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I've never been a Shay Mitchell fan but she's absolutely 🔥🔥🔥


When I was six I met a boy

perhaps you can call it a crush or a little old inspiration

but you see, I believed I was in love

Coming from a six years old, I sally have experience the hold of a gentlemen. A boy who would smile at my way. Treat me as a girl should be treated and even if I was no woman yet, I had dreamed to be one just so he would see me as such

he would smile and tell me I was beautiful and maybe compliment on my favorite red bow I would always wear when he was present. It was the only pretty thing I have to make me look like a girl despite of my bowl cut hairdo. Those round hairstyle have been A nightmare when my brother and his best friends would come to play in our house. And as I hear their footsteps clicking into our wooden stairs, I would dash towards the mirror and begin to slide up my bangs to the side just so my hair could look a little decent. I could remember the first time Andy hugged me. He was such a friendly boy that he didn't mind hugging a girl. His body would mold into mine when he hugs me in greeting. It was one of the things why I liked him so much because he was in fact the first boy to hug me. Excluding my brother who wouldn't hug me for his life. He was a firm believer that hugging girls did in fact give cooties but despite his constant teasing, Anderson King never stopped hugging me

And then there was Chris the other boy who would come to visit my brother. He was like Andy, the only difference is that he doesn't hug me and he utterly hates girls

Which made me the only girl he could socialize since I'm the only female he's stuck with. I was raised by my father and uncle so was Chris who lived with six boys. He's the youngest as what I heard and he was motherless

or so says him who wouldn't utter the story behind why he didn't really have a mother. Other then that, I never really cared

I couldn't really care less about Chris when he wouldn't care about what I feel

I mean, Christopher Moreau was no boy

He's a nightmare

specifically my nightmare

You see, due to Chris' lack of female role in his life, he and my brother took it to oath that girls were disgusting and infectious and that seeing me was without a doubt a struggle when he thought it would be so nice to ruin my life and embarrass me to no end. Yes, Chris was no friendly guy and As much as I want to ignore his presence, it wasn't something I can help when Chris would always be at every corner ready to punish me for being the opposite sex

He wasn't like Andy, no he was far from it. Every time I would dash down the stairs- seeing them play outside. I would smile and run towards his side and ask him if I could join. Andy didn't have a problem with that but my brother and Chris did

"What are you playing?" I would ask breathlessly. Sweat forming through my skin from sprinting towards their direction. Andy smiled at my way. Those dashing little dimples would appear on his face and as delighted as I was to know they were showing because of me. My smile would broaden and my cheeks would turn slightly pink from his voice

"were playing-"

"No!" Chris cried out in revolt "You can't let fatty Sally play with us?! She's gonna slow us down!"

In return, I gave Chris a glare while my eyes would brim in tears. I could even hear my brothers laugh from behind him. I looked at Andy who rolled his eyes from those childish antics before he looked down to smile at me. Easing those comments my brother and Chris had thrown in my way

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