Chapter 52

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"Tonight's going to be amazing" Kayla squeals as we get dress

"Everyone make sure you use protection" shay tells us, we all laugh

I can't believe it I'm actually going to prom and with Josh. My younger self would be very pleased at how far I've come and not just because I finally got Josh but because of the person I am now.

We all finally had our makeup and hair done.

"The boys rented a limo" Vanessa says to us

"Awww" shay blushes

We all put on our dresses.

"Okay selfie" Kayla announces and gets her phone out

We all stand around her.

"Okay on the count of 3 everyone say prom" Kayla says "one, two, three"

"Prom" we all say and smile

"The boys are here" I hear my mother yell from downstairs

"It's showtime" I smile

We walk downstairs to where the guys are and they are all wearing tuxes.

I instantly look at Josh who's already looking at me the way I've always wanted him to look at me.

"You all look so nice" my mother gushes

"Thanks mom" I tell her

"Let's get a picture" she says

I walk over to Josh.

"You look beautiful" he whispers in my ear

I smile at him.

"Okay smile" my moms says as she takes the picture "You guys have fun"

"Bye mom" I wave bye

We all walk outside to the limo.

"This is going to be awesome" shay giggles as we climb in the limo

I look over at Vanessa and her date, they look so cute together.

"So anyone want a sip" will pulls out a flask from his jacket

"Me" shay says taking a sip

""Everyone behave tonight" I smirk

We pull up at the dance and climb out and walk up to the gym.

Josh grabs my hand as we walk in.

"Wow I got to admit This place looks amazing" shay says looking around

"It should" Kayla scoffs making me laugh

"Let's take pictures" shay says to will

"Let's do it" he nods

"You want some punch?" Josh asks me

"Sure" I smile

We walk over to the punch table.

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