Chapter 12

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When school is over for the day. me, Caleb, josh and will climb into my car.

I try not to look at josh who is sitting in the passenger seat next to me, why couldn't he just sit in the backseat? I keep feeling him look at me every once in awhile

"So am I taking you guys home?" I ask them

"No you can drop us off at our house" Caleb says to me

"O" is all I say

"What do you not want us to come to your house?" will says teasing me

"No its not that it just the girls are coming over" I tell them

"That's fine with me" wills says I can feel him smirking

I turn on the radio and a Taylor swift song is playing so I turn it up.

"O God really Elena" Caleb sighs from the backseat

"My car Caleb" I smirk, he just sighs in response

"I actually like this song" josh says which surprises me

"See not just me" I tell Caleb

I starts singing the song quietly. I hear Will start singing to himself and then all of a sudden we are all singing loudly and off key but its so funny seeing the guys sing Taylor swift with so much passion.

Once we pull up at my house we are all laughing so hard.

"Okay we never speak of this again" Caleb says in a very serious tone, the boys nod in agreement

we all get out of the car just as the girls pull up
"Hello ladies" will winks at them when they get out of the car, they all start blushing

"Come on you can flirt with them in the house" I tell him

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