Chapter 6

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I pull into my driveway after school. I notice there's three cars parked in the driveway.

when I open the front door to go inside, I see Caleb, josh, and Will another friend of caleb's.

"Hey guys" I greet them, they all turn around like they didn't expect me to be in my own house

"Wow Elena you look good" will says to me and Caleb hits him over the head "ow i was just giving a compliment"

I shake my head and laugh making my way to the kitchen to grab a water.

I was headed to my room when I hear Will say "why don't you watch a movie with us Elena?" I freeze I didn't know if he was playing a trick on me.

I turn my head and I see them all looking at me waiting for me to answer, I know Caleb expects me to say no and hide like I used too but instead I smile "sure why not" will looks happy that I said yes but I can't read josh expression as I sit down "so what are we watching?" I ask them

"A scary movie" Caleb is all he says


"I thought you didn't like scary movies?" He says to me

"When I was 8 and you forced me to watch chucky" I roll my eyes

"O yeah" he says with a laugh "didn't I get you a doll that looked like chucky for Christmas"

"Yep but instead of wrapping it and putting it underneath the tree you put it in the bed with me" I glare

They all laugh, I can't help but laugh too.

"That's mean" josh shakes his head

"You were there when he forced me to watch Chucky" I don't mention that he stayed up all night with me because I was scared to go to sleep

"True but atleast I didn't get you a doll" he says smiling at me

We watch the movie surprisingly we all got along and even joked around. Caleb had ordered pizza for us he even let me eat with them.

"So did you go to a boarding school?" will ask me

"No I stayed with my aunt Jenny and just went to a school up there" I tell him as I eat

"Do you like it better up there?" he asks, I see josh looking at me

"I did like it up there. I made friends but I missed home"

"Did you have a boyfriend up there?" will ask me with a smirk. Caleb starts choking on his pizza while josh looks uncomfortable

"Dude that's my sister!" Caleb says to will

"I'm just asking soo did you?" and they all look at me expecting an answer

"Not when I left I didn't" I shake my head

"So you did have a boyfriend while up there?"

"Yeah I did" I look at josh but he won't look at me "Is that so hard to believe?" I say with a laugh"

"No your hot" will says giving me a wink, Caleb and josh look like they want to beat him up

I stand up "thanks for the pizza. I'm going to go do some homework see you guys at school tomorrow" I had to get out of there it was getting to awkward

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