Chapter 2

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I have all my stuff pack and I walk downstairs and see my aunt Jenny and my two new friends that I've made here. I've never told them about what I was like before I came here they actually think I'm cool.

"I'm going to miss you guys" I tell them and try not to get sad about leaving

"I going to miss you too" Anna says and hugs me, she looks like a runway model she's that pretty and one of the most popular girls at school

"I'm going to miss you to Ellie" mike says using my nickname. he's on the football team and super gorgeous but I actually fix him and Anna together because you could totally tell that they like each they just needed a little push

I can feel tears forming in my eyes "hey don't cry your going to make me cry" Anna says to me

"Come on girls" mike says and grabs us making us do a group hug

"Your planes leaving soon" aunt Jenny says to me

"Call me everyday" Anna says waving goodbye as I make my way to the car, I wave at them as we leave

"Do you have everything?" Aunt Jenny asks me

"Yes. thank you aunt Jenny for letting me live with you for awhile" I tell her

"You know if you ever want to come back and stay your more than welcome too" she smiles at me

"Thanks" and I hug her goodbye

I'm finally on my way home after being on the airplane for hours, it's late I know everyone going to be asleep.

I pull in my driveway, I'm finally home a part of me is so excited to finally be here but another part of me dreads for what's coming up.

I unlock the door and everything is exactly the same nothing been touch, I quietly bring my stuff to my room and everything in here makes me want to laugh and cry. all the memories most of the stuff in here is my old kid stuff and then there all my old photos, like me and Kayla and me with ally my ex best friend, there's a couple of really old photos of me and Caleb and one of me and josh when we were 8 it makes me smile.

I then quickly change into my pjs and slide into bed hoping tomorrow at school will be different then it used to be.

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