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**** Now that the ranch was calm once more and Kyle and Brick had been released from the hospital, Brittany sat on the enclosed front porch of one of the guest cabins. She watched the sun sink low behind Wolf Mountain. She was still not sure how she felt about having killed a man. But she knew that The Lord and her family would be there to help her through what ever came next. She turned to watch Kyle, his new fiance Charity, and their son Michael swinging lazily in the backyard hammock. Charity's head lay on the Sheriff's broad chest, her cheek right over that big, brave heart. Michael was cradled in a brawny arm and as usual, his new Daddy's shirt was clenched tightly in a little fist. He was working hard on his new, baby blue pacifier bearing a Deputy Sheriff's badge on the front.

She smiled at the sight, they all seemed to have dozed off. She couldn't blame them, they had been through so much. It had been a long few months. The sound of boots on wood planks caused her to turn and face the man who had been occupying her thoughts for many weeks.

'He couldn't have much to pack, so why was it taking him so long?' She felt like she had been waiting for hours. Her gaze fell to his right leg where Zloba had slammed a knife. The limp was still evident and she could see the bulk of banages underneath jeans. The blade had bitten deep, all the way to the bone. Brittany knew that he would carry the scar for the rest of his life.

A scar he told her (while in the hospital), "I am proud to bare."

Brick gave her a simple nod as he tossed his saddle bags over Ares' back and tied them to the saddle.

How had he become her world in such a short time? Should she tell him how she felt, would he believe her? How could she say goodbye? Should she ask him to stay? Would he stay? Would he even take her seriously? Kyle said he thought of her as a teenybopper, a high schooler with a crush.

She shook her head. 'No. He's way to honorable for that. He sees me as a kid, because I'm seventeen and he just turned Twenty-seven. That's a ten years differance, that's what he sees, just like Kyle says.' She sighed.

Brick slowly made his way back up the steps and turned when Kyle's boot heel scraped a rock. Charry and Mikey continued sleeping in the hammock. Kyle folded his arms across his chest and motioned toward the horse. Pan sat calmly at the Sheriff's side. Brick gave a half smile and met his friend on the stone walkway.

"You're leavin' then?" Kyle asked softly. "You know you can always leave the underground, and come work for me. I'm always on the lookout for a good, experienced Deputy, you could help Bear an' me train these newby's commin' in."

Brick shook his head, "Thanks, but no. I still have to find the traitor that got E killed, then deal with the other problem. After that, we'll see."

Brick turned slightly to watch Brittany as she swayed in the swing, her eyes fixed on the mountain. "Besides, I have someone I need to protect, for the time being; I must remain in the shadows for that."

Kyle followed his gaze and sighed, "Brick...."

The large man turned back to Kyle and looked him in the eyes. "KB, one day the time will be right and when that day comes.... I'll be back to claim what's mine."

The Sheriff narrowed his eyes, "If you hurt her...."

The former mobster's face turned grave, "If anyone hurts her, they'll answer to me."

He turned and walked over to the hitching post, taking the reins he began to lead the stallion down the long drive. The walk would help clear his head.

He was half way down the drive when the sound of hooves and a soft voice behind him caught his attention.

"You 're....not even going to say good bye?"

He turned around to find Brittany dismounting Aphrodite.

She looked beautiful with the reds and golds, from the low hanging sun in her long blonde hair. Her silver-blue eyes seemed to glow in the evening light.

"Brick?" She whispered.

He smiled and felt the need to hear his given name in her soft voice, "Gabriel. Call me Gabriel."

Brittany smiled up at him, "Alright, Gabriel. Is there...."

"Brittany, I can't stay here, you kn...."

He stopped mid-word as she placed a finger over his lips. Her soft smile filled his heart with a warmth that seemed to spread throughout his body.

"I know. This isn't the first time someone I care about has had to leave on some dangerous mission."

Her eyes twinkled at her own joke, "My brother was an Army Ranger after all."

The laughter he saw in her eyes faded away to sadness as she became serious, "Gabriel, will I...."

She looked away from him and shook her head as a tear slowly slid down her cheek.

Brick let out a long sigh, and gently wiped the tear away with his thumb. Then lifting her chin he forced her to meet his gaze.

"What is it, Nemnogo Shalun'ya?"
(Little Minx)

"Won't I ever see you again? Won't you ever come back?"

"Ah, my Nemnogo Shalun'ya." He smiled and stepped toward her.

Brittany felt a little thrill at his nearness. She looked into the violet orb and decided she would have to make the first move. Quickly, before she lost her courage, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

She poured everything into that kiss. Love, fear, pain, need. All of it into this one action.

Stunned at first Brick just stood there, but soon he gave into his desire and pulled her into a tight embrace. Bending low he lifted her into his arms and held her tight against him.

The kiss deepened untill there was nothing and no one but her. She had become his entire world in the short time since they had met. He knew it was time to separate himself from her and with great effort he lowered her back to the ground and lifted his head, resting his forehead against her own.

His lungs were burning for air as he tried to slow his heart rate, the only thing making this easier for him, was knowing she was having just as much trouble.

Finally, after she was able to catch her breath Brittany asked the one question that had been plaguing her for days.

"Will...I ever see you again?"

Brick gave her one final kiss on the top of her head before mounting his horse. He turned back and studied her lovely, sad face determined to memorize every facet.

"One day, Tany. When my job is done and it's safe for me to come back in the open, I'll return to claim what's mine."

The meaning of his words sank in, and she held them close to her heart, where she knew she could always find him.

'I love you too, Gabriel.'

With his declaration said, he turned back in the saddle and both he and Ares disappeared into the night. Leaving Brittany to pray for his safe return.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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Hero Mine  (3B Hero Series) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now