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**** Private Kyle (KB) Blanton stood proudy with his best friends Eli, Spence, and Gabriel (Brick) at their graduation. They had survived the RIP (Ranger Indoctrination Program). The four had made it all the way. Like his father, Beau, they were now part of the proud and elite group of Army Rangers.

The new duties they were assigned came with a great deal of responsibility, not just to their country, but to their fellow Rangers. "Leave no Ranger behind." They had a Code and they would live by it, just as his father did, and still does.

* * *

A few years later -

Sergeant First Class Blanton along with the rest of his unit silently made their way into the mountains of Iraq. They had received information on a Terrorist Training Camp, and it was up to these Rangers to make sure the would-be terrorists never made it to graduation.

After setting up a quick camp, Spence, Eli, and Brick Kyle's close friends sat beside him. All were tired yet alert, and ready.

 All were tired yet alert, and ready

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"K.B, do ya remember when we were the new kids on the block?" Spence turned to look at the fresh new Rangers. Several looked nervous, but all were more than ready to give his all for the mission and their buddies.

Kyle grinned, "Hell, that was when we became men." He also turned to watch the new Privates. "I wanted to be just@ like my ol' man and Uncle Rowdy." He chuckled, "Did we ever look that fresh faced?"

Sergeant Edward Spence nodded. "I remember."

Brick chuckled, "Nah. We were tougher than these kids. We already had training under our belts. These kiddies joined up green as grass."

Sergeant Eli Ford grinned, "Captain says it's time to move out fellas."

Kyle grinned, stood and said quietly, "Pass the word, it's time to move out, ladies. Don't forget your fairy wings!"

* * *

Several years later -

Kyle held his fist up and knelt on one knee. His fellow Rangers all did the same, and waited.

A young Private fresh from RIP leaned in close to one of the older, more experienced men.

"Are the stories true?" He whispered.

"What stories?" The older Ranger whispered back.

"You know, about the Cap'ain? Is he really part wolf?"

The older Ranger grinned, "That's what they say. His ol' man is Major Beau Blanton."

The Private's eyes grew large.

Brick reached forward and womped the rookie on the helmet. "Shut it!" He hissed, all the while rolling his eyes. 'Damn it. What is wrong with this kid?'

Hero Mine  (3B Hero Series) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now