Chapter 33

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**** Charity sat in the living room of Beau's house, her son sitting happily in her lap. Michael babbled happily as he gummed the teething ring. Charity on the other hand couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong.

Drina stepped into the room, silver tray layden with cookies and chamomile tea. Alex entered the room not long after his mother to help set up a playpen for Michael.

Drina smiled as she began to pour the tea, "You alright, hon? Want to talk about it?"

Cherry shrugged, "Nothing to tell."

The retired songbird studied the nurse for a long moment and smiled. "Does he know?"

Charity turned in her chair a look of shock on her pretty face, "Does who know what?!"

Grinning Drina turned to Alex, "Sweety, would you go help your father for a while? I think it's time for some girl talk."

The 17 year old grinned and roled his cobalt eyes. "Gladly." He muttered, as he made a beeline for escape. However; Drina's ears had caught his comment and as he slid by she swatted the back pocket of his jeans. He realized too late what she was planning and caught the solid swat on the seat of his pants.

Once they were alone Drina turned back to the younger woman and crossed her arms. "Alright now. Don't play that game with me. You've been sulking ever since you came to stay with us. You're in love with Kyle."

Charity opened her mouth to deny the accusation, but stopped. When it hit her. She did love him. 'Oh, God. When did that happen?'

Drina smiled and reached over to squeeze her hand. "Do you know how I realized that I was in love with Beau?"

Charity shook her head. Drina beamed and handed the baby a little bowl of sliced bannana. "I left him to do a charity concert. That entire time I was without him was the worst time of my life."

She looked down at the rings on her left hand. "I gave it all up to be with him, and I would do it all again."

Charity smiled at the dreamy look in the older woman's eyes. 'She really does love him.'

Drina smiled warmly at her, "Eli would have wanted you to be happy. He and Kyle grew up together. Before I ever came here, we were living on the road ten months out of the year. My band was with me, and amung them was Riley."

Charity nodded, "Yeah, Eli told me all about his time on the road with all of you. He loved every bit of it." She smiled warmly, "He told me about his first day here. He loved how Beau was a Shirlock Holmes fan."

The songbird chuckled, "Kyle and Eli were Beau's shadows for months." She took Cherry's hand and squeezed, "Honey, you know that Eli always loved you, but even before you two became an item...."

"Yes?" Cherry leaned forward anxious to hear what Drina had to say.

Drina drew in a deep breath and took the plunge. She knew that she had opened her mouth and was really hoping she wasn't about to put her foot in it.

"Well, we all thought that you would end up with Kyle. You two were always together. Where he was you were never very far behind. Even Eli thought that for the longest time, but when you agreed to go to the Prom with him...."

"What?" Charity could see the apprehension in Drina's eyes.

The blonde smiled sadly, "Well, Kyle had been planning to go with you to the Prom. He had been planning this big way to ask you." she chuckled, "He was so sure that Kitt would let him hang a sign over his back and trot around in front of you."

Charity sat back in shock, "Kyle did that?"

Beau chuckled as he entered the room, "He spent a good two hours arguing with me in the study over it."

Drina glared at her husband, "Do you mind? This is girl time!"

He just grinned at her, "Well, if that is the case...." He lifted Micheal into his arms and turned to leave, "Little man here, is coming with me."

Both the women watched as he left the room, the toddler under his arm like a sack of potatoes. Except that the potato sack was giggling up a storm.

Charity smiled, "He would make a wonderful grandfather."

Drina beamed, "What ever you do, don't tell him that. It just might go to his head."

Cherry looked into her light blue eyes, "Drina, did Eli know about...."

Drina nodded, "Yes. That's why he asked you the way he did. He loved you, Cherry. None of that was a lie, but Kyle has always loved you as well. He is also a very good man. It killed him to stay away after you and Eli got together. But, he also knew that Eli loved you and would always take good care of you, so he stayed clear. He thought that was what you wanted."

Cherry felt the knot forming in her throat. "So that's why he never came to the wedding? He couldn't watch me marry his best friend.?"

Drina nodded, "He supported the both of you any way he could. But, he has always loved you, Charity. I think that love has grown and has even passed on to Michael."

Cherry nodded, "But, what about Eli? I can't ever forget that I was his wife first. And, would Kyle even be...."

Drina shook her head, "Eli would want you to be happy. Take it from me. He would be the first one to give his blessing. Before he died he asked Kyle to always look out for you and Mikey. I think he knew his time was coming and that you would need Kyle's help. Here...."

Drina handed her friend a letter with Eli's neat script. "Eli left one for each of you in our keeping. There is even one for Michael."

Charity took the envelop with shaking hands. Drina smiled and stood. "You'll want to be alone with him. Call if you need anything." With those words she left the room and closed the door.

Hero Mine  (3B Hero Series) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now