Chapter 43

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"Must be nice having someone who trusts you despite what they've heard." - Lyfe Jennings 🚶🏾‍♀️

   No sooner than we pulled off that Twan was blowing up MY phone on some
B U L L S H I T . Apparently his cousin whom he fought earlier along with his other relatives who were out there when my mother and me confronted them said my "babydaddy had come over to fight him." 💆🏾 Now WHY HE of all people would believe that shit I have no clue, but he called snapping like he didn't already know the circumstances. I, of course snapped and started laughing in his ear because the shit was DUMB sis. My mother asked what was so funny and I told her and she laughed too then she was like "wasn't NO nigga with us."  Then he asked me why they think he wasn't the father, why would I even tell them that and have him looking stupid. 😐

*five minutes before*
*back at his granddad's house before we left*

Everyone was all like I shouldn't have been there because they were dealing with a lot when their dad/granddad had just died the night before so YEAH... They were like "I think that's not even HIS babymama but my daddy just died." 😐😐😐 Then my mama's response was "Oh, well she know who the daddy is so that's all that matters." So theeeen Mfrs get in a whole conversation about how MY baby's dad was gone beat up Twan for even being laid up w / me and etc., while I'm carrying his child. 🚮 HIS kinfolk said all this now, but my mama was like "They not together so who she's with isn't his concern. Only thing they have together is a child." & folks were still going on about how my babydaddy was gone catch Twan tripping. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Be mindful, I'm still in the car being respectful -- I wanted to say something so badly but I ain't want to disrespect my mama so I just sat in the car on the phone with my cousin that I'd called when everything had popped off earlier. 😏 That's when mama got in the car and we went back home so I could put on a bra then we go to my uncle's house because he was having a family gathering at his house.


So I FINALLY get Twan to realize that they were just being messy then we stayed on the phone for a little while or until I arrived at my uncle's house. Then we started texting and he kept apologizing for them like it was his fault that what happened happened. 😒

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