Chapter 5

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Months go back , and it's November now and Jace and Kade are on bad terms so she starts to carry the single title. She had moved to a different community and had met a guy, the guy was funny. He kept her happy and she never thought of Jace or Ty so she kept Shaun around. Everything was going great for that first month, shower sex that led to her cutting her weave into a bob cause it got so tangled  and he kept her bed warm EVERY night. That was until she started to hear about him having a baby mama who lived with him and she was even pregnant.
She questioned him and her brothers' friends even to either confirm or deny if it were the truth. Everyone told them how good they looked together and how those were just haters telling her all that. Jade took them for their word because HOW could such a female exist if they all stayed in the same neighborhood and he was laid up with her allllll the fucking time, all day everyday. She even asked this nigga mama and she LIED too.
Then the rumors about him being gay started, because he'd just gotten out of jail not too long before he met Jade. Now this was kinda sorta hard to deal with because with THOSE rumors came the rumors about him having AIDS ... 😷

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