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Sybil had found it hard to focus in that moment. Sybil blessed her power, the ability to force people to not to pay attention to her, as she stared on with a horrified expression at the scene she was witnessing. A horrible scene that made the young vampire so shell shocked she couldn't move any of her granite-like body parts.

But a bit of backstory is needed, perhaps.

Sybil Merricot had no coven, or anybody really. She couldn't remember where she came from, who changed her or why, or what even led her to being bit. With no one to call friend or family, she quickly made herself known to the word-of-mouth laws of her kind and kept herself hidden unless she needed to feed. On what it never mattered. Other clans often offered invitation for hunts and visits, but never an offer for a more permanent stay. Not that she minded. Sybil was rather fond of traveling by walking. If she needed to get overseas, a few vampires were more than happy to pay for one way tickets for the vagabond girl.

Sybil happened upon the Winterlock coven in Slovakia. They were a rag-tag group of mostly Russian and Ukrainian vampires. Their leader, Skof, was of monstrous size and strength, while his mate, Corossa, was rather small, seemed distant and fragile. The other four members always held a look of disinterest and always had a faraway looks on their faces. They offered to hunt together, not that Sybil minded, even though she drain a street rat the day prior. The hunt went on far longer than it should have, the younger ones showing off to the stranger and displaying their extreme thirst. Sunlight was already threatening to spill over the horizon by the time any of them had sated their thirst.

They offered her their hide out, an abandoned orphanage, a towering building that obstructed the view of the forest, as asylum from the sunlight. Sybil figured why not, they seemed like safe folk, though, not quite all there. Even by vampire standards. Beside, Sybil was tired and wanted to sneak in two or three hours of sleep before she departed.

Sybil should've started to worry when she saw the mate drag a dying deer inside the building. Leaving a trail of blood and no explanation to her actions, not that her coven was questioning her.

That really should've been the first red flag.

The second should've been the muffled sound of a crying child.

The others stayed in the basement, opting to shut off their thinking for a few hours and resting their bodies before the next night fall. Sybil took this time to indulge in her bad habit of snooping around.

It was a nasty habit, one she was only allowed to partake in because of her talent. Sybil liked knowing what was there where she was when she was there. Something told her she used to do this as a human. But then again, she could never be sure. Beside, that crying noise was really too unusual. Sybil had to snoop around to see what it really was, because logic said that there was no way there was a child inside a building filled with vampires.

But to Sybil's horror, it really was a child.

A child, chain to the wall, where in the corner laid blankets, pillows, toys, and the corpses of small animals. A child, whose chin was messy with blood and whose feet was covered with the deer from earlier. A child, whose eyes were the most peculiar color of orange, which glowed and shined, much like the covens, like the gold eyes of the Delani, or the red of the Romanians, or her Sybil's own violet eyes. And with sickening realization, Sybil understood, that the child, the abomination in front of her, was a vampire. An immortal child. The power of the earths most feared creature and the temperament of a two year old. And in front of the child stood Corossa, smiling a cooing at how well the child had eaten and how if her behaved well he'd get a treat.A tremor of fear ran through Sybil as her thoughts ran away

Who did this? Who would allow this? How dare them. This can't be. What should I do?Corossa moved out of the room, her eyes fixed down the hall.

'As if- not as if. My powers still on. She didn't notice me' Sybil thought. Sybil knew once you've turned, you don't age, physically or mentally. She was painfully aware of this every time she looked in the mirror and stared at her alabaster skin, and every time she stared longingly at every mildly attractive boy that happened to pass by her. Corossa had condemned this child to an eternity of infancy and dependence and weakness. The thought made Sybil ill. The child's giggling of happiness did not help her.

Somewhere, deep in her memory, Sybil knew of a congregation of vampires who acted as the law enforcement and claimed to be the kind leaders. They dealt with such affairs like this. Sybil confirmed with herself that she would tell these vampires of the crime she witnesses and that they could handle, Corossa needed to pay for her sins of cutting a young life short, denying the child of life.

If only she could remember where this Volturi was located.

---Sybil never really needed to hide from sunlight. She could hide herself anywhere despite the time of day because of her talent and suffer little to no consequences. Security cameras were a bitch though.

After, in the safe darkness of an abandoned closest, Sybil racked her brain for the location of the Volturi. She remembered her brief time with Romanians. She liked them well enough. Vladimir was always fawning after his mate, a small blonde named Alexandrea,  and Stefan always seemed to be rolling his eyes at that. They liked hunting campers, terrorizing them before the kill, not really Sybil's style. What she remembered the clearest was the brothers cursing and voice in mock Italian, exaggerating the roll of their "r's" with overly swaying their hands to their sentences. Sybil was sure if she understood Italian stereotypes, she would have been laughing as hard as Alexandrea at The brothers' performance. But that lead her to believe that the Volturi were Italian, well it certainly sounded Italian.

She remembered she kept misunderstanding Volterra with Volturi. Which were apparently two different thing. One was the city, apparently built on a side of a mountain, the other the organization. One trip to the local library later, and one disarmed library alarm system, and Sybil knew her destination. Well, she knew it vaguely. The run would have taken a day or so if she didn't have her shield up the whole time to cut travel time.

The body could only take so much.

Sybil knew that vampires shouldn't sleep. But she never questioned why it was so easy to close her eyes and turn off all her thoughts for hours on end. It was sleep. Which made her worry as she was the only vampire she knew who did this.

On the outskirts of Italy, somewhere near the border of Austria, Sybil wormed her way beneath a dumpster and laid still tile sleep found her in the darkness. Before she her unnatural sleep took over, she rehearsed what she would say to the Volturi. What she saw, where she was, who was there and so on. With an inkling of dread, she realized she didn't even know the procedure of how to talk to the Volturi, or if there even was one. She had no idea who to ask for, where to go, or even what to do! But she knew she had to do something. Turning a child is just cruel.

Hours later, a sharp rustic scent woke her up. It was the Winterlocks. The scent of snow and woods and ash. With sickening fear, Sybil realized that they knew. They knew she saw the child and that she was going to do something about it. They were hunting her.

Still slow with the dregs of sleep, Sybil made off into the woods of Italy, to Volterra. Hopefully to someone who could help.

(this is my first published fic. i dont own twilight, or the obviously not mine characters.)

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