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I was pulled from the dream abruptly, but I was grateful. Especially grateful that as more time passed, the less I could remember. I sighed to myself and closed my eyes tighter, trying to fall back asleep. There was a deep breath beside me and the arms around me hugged me closer. I peeked open my eyes to find Josh still fast asleep, his mouth agape.

I giggled to myself, bringing my hand up to poke him in the cheek. His lips dipped in a frown and he shifted. I laughed softly again and raised my mouth to his. Again, nothing. This time I frowned and glared at him. I blew in his ear, but he hardly flinched. I rolled my eyes at him, sighing.

Smirking as an idea popped into my head, I slid silently out from under the covers and onto the floor. In one silent motion, I rolled under the bed, the bed skirt shielding the light from coming in. Taking in a deep breath, I let it out in one short, loud scream.

The bed shifted above me and Josh gasped sharply. "What the-" he cursed. "Danny?"

Silence. I held back a giggle.

"Danny?" his voice rose. He jumped down from the bed and I flattened myself to the floor. I held my hand over my mouth to stop from laughing. I saw his feet move around on his side of the bed, and he just stood still for a second. He asked again, "Danny?"

I bit my tongue as the door flew open. "What's goin' on?" Coffeeblue asked. Her threat passed through my memory and I bit my fist to stop from laughing. I stayed still, giggling quietly as she entered the room.

"Danny's gone," Josh breathed.

"Really?" Coffeeblue asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Josh growled.

"I didn't see her leave."

"Well, I heard her scream."

"So did I." Coffeeblue replied. "That's why I came... duh."

I snickered at her tone, but made no sound.

"Just help me find her."

I peeked under the skirt and Coffeeblue caught my eye. She raised an eyebrow as Josh looked around the room. I put a finger to my lips and winked. She smiled in response and shook her head at Josh. "Nah, I don't think so."

"What?!" Josh said, his head snapping back to her. I slid deeper under the bed. "What do you mean 'nah'?"

"I don't think I'll help look fer her."

"And why not?"

"I don't know."

Josh growled.

Coffeeblue giggled.

Josh just growled again. "I gotta find her, Coffeeblue. She might be in trouble 'er somethin'."

Coffeeblue sucked in a noisy breath. "Hmm... I doubt that."

Josh paused. "And why is that?"

My heart beat louder as his footsteps sounded closer to the edge of the bed. The bed skirt lifted and suddenly Josh's beautiful blue eyes glared at me. "Imma kill you," he growled jokingly.

I screamed loudly, crawling as fast as I could away from him. As soon as I was out from under the bed, I stood, and we faced each other across the bed. He faked left and I faked right, neither of our eyes leaving the other's. Coffeeblue sighed and left us alone, closing the door after her. I cursed her for shutting off my way of escape.

"Danny..." Josh said, faking this time to the right. I went the other way and stood still.

"Yes?" I blinked innocently, smiling at him.

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