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Would ya consider takin' yer dad's advice, Josh?" a female voice asked, but I was too tired to pinpoint it.

"No, Mom." At Josh's voice I suddenly woke, but I couldn't quite seem to open my eyes. "I ain't gonna stay away from her. I—Danny?"

Something squeezed my hand and my eyelids fluttered open reluctantly. I caught Josh's worried blue eyes and glanced around. I didn't recognize the room, but I was lying in a bed with Josh at my side, holding my hand. It looked as if chairs had been brought in to accommodate the large family, but only half were here. Coffeeblue and Iya sat to my right, turned towards each other with cards in their hands and between them. "Hmm…" Coffeeblue said, staring at Iya and leaning back against Tannar. "Got any twos?"

"Ha!" Iya said, punching the air. "Go fish!"

Coffeeblue glared at her, but as she took a card from in between them, she smiled. "Ha!" She echoed her sister. "I gotta match!" She pulled another card from her hand and laid the two on her lap. Iya pouted and sighed, glancing down at her empty lap.

Cormac sat between Gail and another woman I remembered to be Julie, the twin's mother. His legs were spread out in front of him and his head hung back, his eyes closed and mouth agape. Julie patted her son's leg, earning no reaction from him whatsoever, and returned back to reading the novel she held in her hands. Gail stood, putting a magazine on her seat and made her way over the other side of my bed. She placed her hand on mine gently and I looked up at her. "How're ya feelin', sweetie?" she asked.

"Mom," Josh groaned. "That's my job."

"Oh, hush," Gail waved her hand at him.

"She's awake?!" one of the girls asked, jumping up from her chair. From the following growl, I suspected it was Coffeeblue.

Cormac sputtered, sitting up and blinking the sleep from his eyes. "I'm awake!" he muttered, a guilty look settling on his face.

"It's okay, sweetheart," Julie pated Cormac's knee again. "We didn't mind yer snorin'."

His eyes widened in horror. "What?" he choked. "Snorin'?"

"Like a big 'ol fat pig," Iya confirmed, nodding.

Red crept up Cormac's cheeks and he glared at his younger sister. "You should hear yerself—ouch!" Julie smacked the back of her son's head.

Cormac glared at her too, rubbing the spot she had struck. "What was that for?"

His mother shook her head. "Ya shouldn't say such things ta ladies."

"Ladies?" Cormac scoffed. "What kinda books ya readin', huh? Iya ain't no—ouch!"

Another strike. "Hush, Cormac, that's yer sister."

"Exactly," Cormac said. "Not no—Mom!"

I bit back a giggle as Cormac was cuffed again, but his sisters didn't. Cormac shot them a glare and they settled down the slightest. But he crossed his arms over his chest and sat back. "I'm goin' back ta sleep," he muttered and closed his eyes.

Gail rolled her eyes and both her and her son turned back to me. "Anyway, how're ya feelin', Danny?"

I shrugged slightly. "I, uh…" I pressed my lips together and glanced around. "I feel fine. Where are we?"

"Danny…" Josh furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at Gail. "We're in the hospital. Ya fainted."

I suddenly noticed the steady beeping as it increased dramatically. Gail glanced at the machine, me, and then rested her gaze on her nieces. "Iya, go get yer father."

She nodded, jumped up from the chair, and bolted from the room. With a start I realized the beeping was my heart rate. We were in a hospital. I was in a hospital. I shook my head, my breath coming in short, ragged pants. "No—no. J-Josh. Get me outta here. I-I can't—" I couldn't finish the sentence. Hospitals reported child abuse. They discovered the injuries and reported it. If they found out and took me away, I'd be separated from Josh.

He stood from the bedside chair, his hand tightening on mine. He leaned over to brush the bang from my face and his thumb stroked my cheek. "It's alright, darlin'." He said, but I didn't miss the worry lines creasing his brow.

"It's alright," he repeated.

Josh¸ I thought. They'll take me away if they find out.

His eyes darkened and his fingers brushed the wounds from the glass bottle. They were askin' a lot a questions… He glanced up at his mother. "They said when she woke we were okay ta go, right?" he asked.

Gail frowned. "I'm sure Tyler would like ta see her out bafore he starts his shift."

There was a loud snore, and everyone turned their attention to Cormac, who had resumed his earlier position. Josh was the first one to look to Gail again. "Are ya sure?"

"I hear she's awake, then?" a male voice interrupted them. When his eyes trained on me, I instantly recognized Cormac's icy blue eyes. His skin was kissed by the sun, and his blond hair looked even lighter against it. He looked to be about thirty or so and wore the usual doctor's apparel. I guessed this to be Tyler, Josh's uncle. He smiled and went to stand next to his nephew.

"How're ya feelin'?" he asked, gazing at me.

I glanced at Josh, begging him with wide eyes. Josh…

Josh turned to his uncle, frowning. "She says she feels fine. But she wants ta go home."

Tyler frowned, but nodded. "Alright. Keep an eye on her though, Josh." I was surprised at how easily he agreed, but I wasn't complaining.

"I will," Josh smiled. "I will."

Tyler nodded and reached to remove something from my finger. The heart rate machine flat lined as soon as it was gone. He spread his arms. "Free ta go."

I looked over to see Iya scooping up the cards, wondering when she had snuck back in. Tyler walked over to the girls, wrapping his arms around both of them as they stood. "Bye, girls." He said, smiling.

The girls returned the gesture. "Bye, Daddy." Coffeeblue said.

"Love ya," Iya replied.

Tyler stepped up to Julie, who had stood to her full height. Glancing at Cormac, he scoffed before taking her hands. "I love you," he kissed her softly. "I'll see ya later."

Julie nodded and Tyler kicked his son's feet, startling him. Cormac sat up dazedly, blinking, and his chair tipped backwards. I gasped as he fell backwards, landing with a sharp Thud. He moaned and his foot twitched—which were still hanging over the chair. "More comfortable down 'ere anyway…" he mumbled.

Tyler chuckled. "Bye, son."

"Uh-huh," Cormac groaned.

"Yer free ta leave, Cormac."

"Really?" He scrambled to his feet with difficulty, gazing at every one. "Well? We gonna go?"

Tyler simply rolled his eyes and left the room. Josh tugged on my hand. I looked up at him and then down at myself. Relieved that I was still wearing my clothes, I let Josh help me out of the hospital bed. "For the record," Josh leaned down to whisper in my ear, "I think it was a pretty good date."

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