63 Josh POV

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I paced back and forth across the waiting room, chewing my lip nervously. Danny was in there, that hospital room, alone with the two nurses. They had kicked me out. Me. Her mate. I wasn't allowed in the room until she was ready for visitors. Obviously they had no idea about her.

The whole pack had shown up for her. Although, her own family had yet to come. I'm sure the hospital had called Grant, but he hasn't shown. Jake was supposed to be in custody now. He wasn't. There was a warrant out for his arrest, of course, but he had gotten away from Grant. Somehow, that didn't surprise me. Jake was still out there, and I wouldn't rest until I knew Danny was safe. He wouldn't lay a hand on her again.

"Josh," Mom sighed. "Calm down. She'll be alright."

"I've been worried sick fer days, Mom." I growled, turning towards her. "I can't just leave her ta someone else. I need ta see her."

Just then, a scream pierced through the halls. The hair on the back of my neck stood and I took off without a second thought. I threw open her door, finding an empty bed. "Danny?" I called.

The door to the bathroom burst open and she came running out, an arm of my sweatshirt hanging beside her. Anger flared inside me at the sight of tears rolling down her cheeks. Her free arms flew around my waist as she ran into me, sniffling. My arms wrapped around her shoulders. "M-make them s-stop, Josh." She whimpered, burying her face in my chest.

The two nurses came out after her, frowning. My jaw clenched. "What's goin' on here?"

"We're trying to help her change into the hospital gown." One of the nurses responded.

"Don't you understand what she's been through?" I growled, my hold on her tightening. "She can dress herself."

The nurse scowled. "That's our job to help the patient."

"She can dress herself." I repeated. "You can help her afterwards."

The nurse was glaring at me as I lead Danny under my arm to the bathroom connected to the room. She was still clinging to me when I closed the door behind us. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, murmuring, "It's alright, darlin'."

She mumbled something against my chest, her shoulders shaking violently. I pressed my lips to the crown of her hair, my fingers curling into the fabric of the sweater. "I love you," she said, sniffling. "I love you. I love you. Pl-please—don't le-leave."

I would never tire of hearing those words from her sweet lips. "I ain't goin' nowhere, Danny. I'm right by yer side. Always."

She looked up at me, her chocolate eyes glistening with tears. "Forever?"

"If you'll have me," I replied softly, immediately.

She nodded, her chin quivering. "I'll take ya."

I found myself laughing at the teasing undertone of her voice. "Good."

"C-can I…" she suddenly glanced down sheepishly, a blush creeping up her cheeks. I placed a finger under her chin, turning her head so she looked at me. I raised an eyebrow, urging her to finish her question. She blushed deeper, the tears pooling in her eyes. "Can I… can I take a… shower? I-I feel… dirty."

I glanced around the bathroom and spotted a shower in the corner. "I don't see why not, darlin'." I stepped away. "I'll just be right outside if ya need me."

"W-wait…" she whispered just as I begun to turn. I froze, my heart pounding against my chest. I didn't want to leave her, but I knew she would only be in the next room over. She squeezed her eyes closed, hissing out through clenched teeth, "One more thing…"

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